BAML-IBD Video Interview: 1. to start, we would like to learn more about you. Can you tell meabout yourself and why you are interested in working with us? 2which one of your key accomplishments best illustratedyour personal initiative and willing ness to push beyond what is required? 1. Describe a time when you wereworking on a project where you were the subject matter expert on a specifictopic. What was the goal of the project and how did you used your subjectmatter expertise to make sure everyone was able to understand what you wereconveying? 4_tell me about a time where you have had to juggle, multiple high-pressuretasks. What strategies did you employ to successfully complete all, and whatdid you learn from this? 5. think about a recent situation whichrequired you to make a difficult decision. Describe the situation, the optionsyou had, and your decision.