这次居然有种天上掉了馅饼的感觉哎~ 现在来回馈社会积攒一下人品~
1) Please give a brief introduction of yourself (1'30)
2) If you are still pursuing a degree, please proide the OFFICIAL GRADUATION DATE when you will obtain your graduate certificate. If you have already graduated, please provide the EARLESET DATE you will be available to commence work. (30')
3) Please explain your understanding of what your day-to-day role would look like working in the Analytics department and why are you interested in the Analytics role(1'30)
4) Bloomberg is known for its exceptional customer service. Please provide an example of a time when you provided excellent service to the customer, colleagues, classmates etc. Describe the situaltion, the steps you took, and the outcome(1'30)
5) Everyone has sold something. Even if you never sold a product, you probably had to sell an idea or concept to others at some point. What are threes skills or attributes that you possess that will make you successful in sales? Provide an example of a time when you used one to get a result. (1'30'')
6) Bloomberg provides flexible career opportunities for our staff, employees can find their best fit in these organizations. What's the most important aspect you value in Bloomberg Analytics & Sales role? What could you see your career development in this program? (1'30'')
7) Please discuss a financial news story you have read regarding the China financial market in the last week and explain why Bloomberg clients might be interested in it. (1'30'') (这一题我用的最近中美贸易战引发的一系列股市动荡等)
8). You now have two minutes to add any further comments you may have. (2')