Hiya, here are my questions.
- How do you feel about taking ownership?
- How will joining the program you applied for motivate you?
- Do other people say you are driven/motivated?
- Are you a fast learner?
- Working with people from diverse background...How would you take an inclusive approach?
- A new client asked unethical questions, what would you do?
- How do you build strong and lasting relationship?
- Do you put shared interest above your own?
- Do you make sound decisions? How?
- Do you see things from a broad perspective?
- Are you highly numerical?(Something like that)..
应该还有一个撒,不记得了.... 这个小哥口音有点British mixed American 不知为啥,但是声音好sexy 然后我忘记问他啥时候出results..Fingers cross... Anyways, good luck to you all.