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[经验] 求职记 2013~2014







发表于 2014-4-2 22:10 |显示全部楼层 |倒序浏览
Before writing:
按照时间的前后,分别有:英国石油(BP)、SonyJapan、万科、景瑞房地产、招商银行信用卡中心、DOW、林德集团、恒大集团、卡西中国公司、柏诚中国、中国石油、欧莱雅、上海汽车、德勤、瑞安房地产、安永、上海大众汽车、高露洁、东风日产汽车、联合利华、科尔尼咨询、联合汽车、东方航空、施耐德电气管理培训生、仁孚汽车、保加利亚中国、拜耳、顺风、福特汽车、戴尔、阿克苏诺贝尔、索尼中国、金佰利、赢创工业集团、DHL、博世、巴斯夫、沃尔沃、中间还有因为top career 面向日本就业投递面过一些公司
房地产类全军覆没…… 受到初试(笔试或面试)的有BPSonyJapan、招商银行信用卡中心、中国石油、联合利华、施耐德电气、仁孚汽车、顺风、戴尔、索尼中国、艾美仕、佳能。
        BP、招商银行信用卡、联合利华、施耐德电气、戴尔、佳能 、索尼中国均止于一面
        Sony Japan 艾美仕到终面。。。。
很多公司的初试我都没有收到;但是对于向联合利华、BPSonyJapan 这样网申很复杂、简历淘汰率极高的火爆公司,我之所以能够幸存下来还是因为做网申时有足够的认真;而在一面、二面中就败下来,英语是硬伤(偏偏是哪不行偏要往那边撞):联合利华一面面完HR直接说其他都还行、这英语恐怕也过不了终面吧……;BP的群面有点难,大群的英文我连题目都没看懂,傻掉了40分钟;Sony的一面之所以幸存下来,大概因为日本人的英语也不怎么好;进入二面的不乏日语好到爆以去日本为终极目标的人,在这样的面前以及专业为电子的,毫无竞争力,只当去体验面试高级的酒店了……;
面对施耐德,不管是管培面还是第一次的公司内部boss 面,我想自己都有些心态不正:因为在施耐德实习过、管培面的表现大约可以概括我胆怯加自以为是;boss面却是紧张加不以为然;
艾美仕: 医疗咨询,到了终面,心里当时矛盾的,想去又不想去,没有医学基础是不是很累,这家咨询又不像其他咨询那么累……
附一些网申:英国石油(BP  chinaHR    2013.9.15
Lubricants Supply ChainExecutive
Please tell us whyyou want to join BP and what you believe you have to offer us
Joining BP meansworking with excellent colleagues and walking in front of the industry. I amexcited and confident to meet the unknown challenges .I applied the position of‘Lubricants Supply Chain Executive’, The followingaspects ensure that I can make a contribution in this position: firstly, Professional knowledge and research on SupplyChain. I have got a good command of the operations of every aspect in anenterprise from the engineering aspect during undergraduate. And I have done anresearch of Vehicle Routing Problem during graduate period. Secondly, practice.I have three intern experiences related to Supply Chain Executive. The firstone, as a summer intern in Zhonbai distribution center, I practiced the processof warehousing.  The second one in SupplyChain Council, I learnt the how to apply SCOR to optimize the supply chainoperation for companies. The third one, as a global negotiation intern I gotthe specific handlings with client managing. Thirdly, fast learning ability. Ihave gotten high marks during undergraduate and also learnt Japanese as asecond major. During graduate period, I have finished two papers on trafficrelated pollutants. I can get the tasks done well even it is new for me.
Pleasetell us a story you overcame great challenges and finally achieved your goal
As a globalnegotiation intern of Schneider, I was in a team of purchasing informationsystem named PUMA. I was asked to summarize error report and track the buyerswho uploaded abnormal spend and. There are more than 8 Excel file I have tohandle with simultaneously every day. And as close to a week before thedeadline, the number of plants with abnormal spend in a rate of 15 every day. Ihave to try my best to confirm with the buyers and ask them to correct thedata. I am confident with the excel skills. However, no matter from the aspectof amount of work or the aspect of business communication with buyers, it is abig challenge for me.
1)   Keep calm under the huge pressure, I forcedmyself not to be panic when do a report facing with more than 5 Excel filessimultaneously.
2)   Balance the time and frequency for referring Boss_As an intern, I lacked some business sense when coming to Schneider. I have tolearn how to organize my words for the buyers officially. Meanwhile, boss isalso under great pressure as me, thus I need to bother her less and guaranteethe efficiency of my own work.
3)   Balance the way for tracking. As close to thedeadline of data uploading, the plants related to abnormal spend nearlyincreased in a rate of 15, I gave priority to those with larger spend. Thebuyers related are located all around the world, to get faster response, forthose in APAC, I adopted phone and email at the same time, and for those in Europeand America, I adopted email.
For continuous two week’s intense work and even overtime, we finishclean up over 30million of the total spend.   
Sony Japan 2013. 9.19
1.       Please describe your understanding of whatthe position you applied for requires you to do, and from your point of view,why SONY should choose you for the position you applied for,not someone else?
(Less than 500 words)
The position I applied for is Electric unitpurchasing agent_ In my opinion, the work I need to do probably include:
1)      Checkthe history data of products in use_  
2)      Collectand clean up the quantity and price of requirement components  the forecast purchasing of next year
3)      Comparethe forecast data with the history data and find the difference between them_
4)      Collectinformation of the industry from the market
5)      Adjustor develop strategy for negotiating with supplier and purchasing
6)      Preparecontacts_
Ibelieve I am suitable for the position and qualify for the position for thefollowing reasons:
1)      Basicprofessional knowledge_ I studied logistics during my undergraduate and getgood marks in all course, and did a related research for about one year duringgraduate_ Thus I have a good command of the theoretical knowledge of theoperation of an enterprise including manufacturing process, warehousestrategies, commodity distribution routing and so on_ Based on these knowledge,I can understand the fundamental reasons for every purchasing activity_
2)       Experienced skill_ Based on a long time ofpracticing, I am familiar with the software of Matlab, SPSS, ArcGIS, andespecially skilled with the application of office including WORD, EXCEL,POWERPOINT, VISIO_  
3)      Knowledgeof industry_ I have three periods of internship_ The first one, in adistribution center, I got practice of warehouse activities including pickup,order check and so on_ In the second, in Supply Chain Council, I learn the ideaof how to optimize the global supply chain performance with the combination oftheory and experience_ The third one, in Schneider Supply Chain Department, asa negotiation intern, I practiced the deals for a position relating topurchasing_ Acquiring both the Macro and micro knowledge of purchasing, Ibelieve I can do this job better than others_
4)      Attitudeof down to earth_ As I faced everything, I paid my best effort to them_ That isalso the main reason why I can keep in front compared with my classmates_
5)      Fastlearning ability_ I changed one research subject in the second year ofundergraduate_ It is a direction totally different from the former one, but Istill worked well on it and got high praise from my tutors_ Thus I believe Iwill acquire the electric knowledge needed in a short time_
All theabove characteristics make me different from others_ The acquirement ofJapanese will also help me to accommodate and do this job well_  
[size=10_0pt]2_       Why doyou apply for the company locates in Japan, but not in your home country, notin US or other countries? And please tell us the image of Sony Japan and whatyou expect from working in Sony Japan_
There are several reasons why I want toapply for the company in Japan:
1) Interests for Japan_ After I havelearnt the course of Production and Operation Management, I get to know the JITstrategy_ From that time on, Japan likes a mystery booming in heart_ How it canbe so advanced! Thus I decided to learn Japanese and dreamt to learn more aboutthe country_ With the deep learning of this gentle language, I got to know someof the culture_ All of them make a mystery bigger and bigger_ I hope that oneday I can step onto that land and feel it by myself_ Thus I want to go toJapan, but not other countries_
2) The dream of going further_ Lookingback to the past, I got out of my village after primary school, got out of thetown after middle school, got out of the province after the undergraduate_ NowI am in Shanghai, a city full of stress and competition, I was never afraid ofthem_ I want to walk further from this place_ I hope to experience more,different from the past, in a new place_
Found in 1946, Sony had developed into agreat company for many years_ It has been developing and bringing uniqueproducts to all around the world_ We get wonder from the company from time totime_ I believe that behind these wonders are excellent lifestyles and emotion,enthusiasm, creativity and imagination of the whole workers_ I’d love to joinin a big family like this_
Once get the chance working in Japan, Ihope I will never lose my passion for making a career on this_ I expectfriendly working atmosphere and keep learning from the people around me, aswell as developing a great career path starting from Sony Japan_
3_       Predictyour biggest problems (up to 3) you will face if you are chosen to work inJapan, in Sony Japan, and what you are going to do with it_
[size=9_0pt]One ofthe problems I may concern is about the registered residence will be if I canwork in Japan_I’d like to work for Sony for the longest time I can, but till nowI have no idea of the general career path start from Japan for an individualcoming from China_ Hope the company will provide similar examples and solutionsfor reference_
[size=9_0pt]Thesecond and also the biggest, will be accommodation to Japanese culture and living,working styles_ There are so many differences between China and Japan_ I wantto get to know the appropriate way to accommodate to Japan and Sony Japan_ Thusbefore going there, I will search for materials to learn more about themystery_
[Optional] Please go through Unilever virtual experiencewebsite:http://www_oneday-unilever_com_cn/ which sceneimpressed you most and why? (150-200 words)
The scene impressed me the most is the exercise in theafternoon about 14:00. Unilever has been always walking in front of the world_In order to keep the efficiency of work, every one need to work hard. Even thecompany has already provide many sport grounds, some employees may not go thereoften. In such an exercise way, the company has guarantee everyone in thecompany is in a working way full of health and caring. This activity makes theemployees believe that they are not only doing a job, but also living a happyUnilever family life.
1.     Why do you apply for Unilever Management Trainee Programand why do you think you are suitable for the function applied? (150-200 words)
I apply for Unilever Management Trainee Program for thefollowing reasons:
1)     Unilever is a great company not only for its products butalso for its system to help the employee grow up.
2)     Unilever has and will hire the most talent people allaround the world. It is exciting to do work with these excellent people. Theremay be pressure competing with them, but I will enjoy this challenge.
3)     I set my career path as developing a career in supplychain. Unilever as a great FMCG company, the development and optimization ofsupply chain is a great part. In Unilever will provide me the stage to realizemy dream.
I am suitable because:
1)     I have had the basic competence as a management trainee. Ihave practiced my abilities such as the communication skills, team work,leadership, analytical ability and problem solving skills through carrying out differentprojects and participating in various activities.
2)     I have the basic professional skills to help start thework. Getting command of knowledge of logistics system and varied computerskills will qualified myself doing a good job as a trainee.  
2Whatdo you value the most when choosing a career? And how does it link withUnilever? (150-200 words)
There are three pointsthat I value the most when choosing a career.
Firstly, the chance forlearning more. I believe that we can grow faster only if we are in anenvironment full of new things and appropriate help.
Secondly, the workingenvironment. Being in a harmony environment will help one concentrate on hisjob but not put efforts to deal with the difficult relationship withcolleagues.
Thirdly, there will bea position to bring my full potential to make a contribution.
In Unilever, I willenjoy all of these. The perfect trainee program will enable to learn as much asI can during the rotation.  Not only fromthe knowledge arranged but also the experience and wisdom from the senior andcolleagues. Unilever has been always holding open and friendly environment. Allthe colleagues help and cooperate with each other and in a good atmosphere ofcompetition. After the rotation, I will have chance to choose the thing that I mostwant to do. In such a good way, I believe I will make a difference.  
戴尔    Elite Program
The words I use: science, application, theory,self-discipline.       Science broughtand will continue to bring great surprise to our life. Before the developmentof science, people lived in a slow pace of life for thousands of years. While,Since the research and application of science came to people's life, we startedan amazing life. The great scientists came up with various theories and appliedthem into daily life. Discovery of Electric make it possible for us to enjoylight after sun is down. Theory of mechanics led to the industry developmentand space exploration. The application of computer make the global as one inshort 70 years. It seems that nobody can live without the network and phone. Wecan never imagine what the future can be like with the development the newscience. The application of science has brought much benefits to us. Meanwhile,we have to apply science to life with self-discipline. No one can forget themiserable results of chemical weapons. The success of first clone sheep 'Dolly'has aroused generate debate among the scientist. There is no doubt that it is abreakthrough for human benefiting. While it may bring disaster to human ifabused. Only applying with self-discipline, can we enjoy a brighter future.





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