回报论坛。申请的Wealth香港的full time analyst. 十一月15号晚上踩线完成了online test,其中verbal用中文做的,提交之后显示under review说28号之后会联系我,果然29号一大早收到电面通知。所以证明verbal用中文做也是可以的,但是其实中问看起来更怪,反而不如英文的逻辑通。十二月4号早上面试,电话从伦敦wealth总部打过来,问题如下:
Why PB at BW?
Why you?
How do you know about the Graduate Programme at BW?
How do you know about CFA, Why it is important?
Understanding of the Private Banker (the role)
Why Hong Kong? Can you speak Mandarin?
Recent movement of the industry and its impact on BW?
Recent movement of PB, what is the indication for BW?
Who are the competitors? How can BW outperform them?
Your resource of Financial News.
A time when you work in a successful team.
A time when you describe a complex financial products to others. LZ是工程背景,没有这方面经验,面试官就说那你就说个你怎么向别人解释complex engineering problems.
A time when you make a unpopular decision in a team.