本帖最后由 karen-d 于 2010-4-13 20:25 编辑
TOEIC 托业英语考试
内容:典型的宝洁八大问题,个人简历上的问题,向面试官提问。1.介绍一下目前为止你感到最自豪,最有成就感的一件事情?是个人的项目还是团队合作的?有没有遇到特别的困难?如果现在要你重新做一遍,你会采取什么不同的方法去做,会有哪些改变? 反思之处:有些不够简洁;回答“不同的方法或改变”时,我说“会做得更快更有效率,因为积累了经验……”,感觉态度不够积极。中间陈述时也有些忽略了团队合作的细节信息,显得有些个人主义。 2.介绍一下一个团队合作的例子,你发挥了领导能力,并最终实现预期的目标?有没有遇到冲突,你是怎么解决的? 反思之处:絮絮叨叨,没有切中要点;谈到自己主动担任项目协调人,调动大家的积极性,组织小组讨论,确定项目目标、架构、时间表,明确分工;没来得及说项目的结果。冲突问题,我谈了关于“distribution channel”的分歧,一组选择使用公司自己的团队,一组选择外包给第三方物流;我的解决方案是倾听他们各自的理由,并按照数据做出选择,两者融合在一起。 3.介绍一个你同时要做很多事情,而且这些事情表面上是有冲突的情况下,你是如何排序,如何处理的? 反思之处:这个问题回答得不彻底,没有讲分析后的结果,也没有阐述“表面看起来有冲突”。 4.在你的简历中,你说曾经设计了物料配送系统,将物料配送时间降低了50%左右,请问你是具体怎么做的?你这样做肯定会增加仓库的负担,请问你怎么说服他们?这样的改变,你是怎么说服老板的? 答:收集信息与反馈,了解生产部门的实际需要,考核仓库工作量――分析采取新的物料配送系统将节省的费用,与现行制度浪费的成本进行分析,用事实说话――阐述新系统的好处和意义,说服执行部门――阶段性反馈和改进,评估成果。 反思之处:没能很好地阐述执行过程中遇到的反抗,以及不断改进的循环;语言不够简洁,介绍了太多背景信息,没有提到团队合作,等。 5.我提问: a)请问产品供应部的培训是怎样的? b)请问你个人长久留在宝洁的理由是什么?只说一点就好。 答:宝洁的文化,价值,标准化运作,等等,比较官方。 反思之处:面试官一听到我第二个问题就很郁闷了,他忍不住直接问“今天上午我面了6个人,你是第七个问这个问题的。你们是不是都上网看面经啊……”然后可能意识到自己态度有些不耐烦,还是话锋一转,开始官腔了。教训就是,问问题要有新意,论坛上那些问烂了的题目就不要再拿出来糊弄面试官了。这肯定会影响他对我的印象,心里没准儿再说“又是一个不动脑子的”……真是郁闷啊。 总结: 宝洁的面试一贯以亲切著称,但我感觉挺严肃的,而且很多事情还没来得及阐述清楚,就换题目了。面试官频频看时间,虽然估计是因为面试程序有这样的要求,但是还是影响到我面试的心情和发挥,感觉他很赶时间。开场白也很官腔,只说了一句“你的经历很丰富啊,很不错,还去了台湾……”,根本没有什么让你进入状态的对话,直接就开始八大问了。所以,我得到的教训是――绝对不能一昧地相信论坛里前辈们的经验之谈,不同的面试官风格会完全不同,还是要做好打一场硬仗,全力迎战的准备。 另一个最深刻的体会是自己的语言表达能力,根本没有想象中那么强。即使在脑子里过了好几遍答案,真正从嘴里说出来却可能是完全不同的样子,所以,模拟面试时一定要真的开口,只记在脑子里或者纸上的效果会大打折扣的。
Global Reasoning Test 时间:2010年3月29日星期一,6:00PM-7:30PM 地点:广州市中泰国际B塔,宝洁总部 语言:English 注意事项:找样题练习一下,熟能生巧,总体来说不难,关键是控制好时间。
第二次面试 时间:2010年4月7日星期三,4:30PM-5:20PM,50分钟 地点:广州市中泰国际B塔32F,宝洁总部 面试部门:产品供应部,第二次面试/终面 面试官:三位男士, ** 人,一个德国人,均为PS高层,在宝洁工作多年 语言:English 风格:刨根问底,节奏紧凑。一人负责主要提问;德国人最后才开始提问,非八大问范畴。 内容:围绕宝洁八大问题展开,个人简历相关的问题,最后向面试官提问。 1_Introduce yourself (mine is very brief) 2_Share a case when you act as the leader and reach the results_ Specify the actions you have taken_ What’s the most difficult thing in this case? How do you work with others? (If the case has been used in your 1st interview, they would probably ask you to share a different one_) Key words: leadership skills, team work spirit 3_Share a case when you have to manage many tasks at the same time? How do you prioritize things? How do you identify the most important one? 4_How do you handle conflicts? How do you persuade others? 5_Sorry that I could not remember other questions_ Prepare following the 8 questions with as many details as possible, and then it won’t be a big issue in the interview_ 6_What is your strongest technical skill? Only one area_ (Asked by the German Manager) Hint: Maybe because I have much engineering education, he would like to figure out my best subject_ I said “Industrial Engineering”_ 7_Have you applied other companies besides P&G? What would you consider when you choose an employer? What if you are not employed by P&G? (Asked by the German Manager) Hint: I thought that they wanted to know your desire to join P&G and how much passion you had towards P&G_ My answer was not a good one, I think_ Because I said, “Yes, I did apply for other companies_ And I got some positive responses as well_ But P&G will definitely be my preferable employer_ ” And I also said “If P&G rejects me, I will consider other companies_” Anyway, life will still go on even when you cannot join P&G_ I am quite frank on this question_ 8_Any questions you like to ask us? Hint: Never copy others’ questions, especially those on BBS sharing_ Try to ask something that you are really interested in and related to the job_ I asked about long term strategy and distribution channels_ But it seemed that both were confidential topics, so I only got rough answers_ Summary 1_Preparation is of critical important to any interview, especially for the detail oriented style of P&G_ Learn the typical 8 questions carefully and ensure you are really familiar with your CV_ Do not memorize the answers, since it makes your expression unnatural_ 2_Integrity or honesty is a basic requirement_ So do not lie or make up stories_ But you can always package your past experiences in different ways_ How to sell yourself effectively is always a must-gain skill_ 3_Formal dressing is to show your respect to the interviewer and the company_ So get the suit ready before the interview_ 4_Present yourself actively by using eye contact and smile_ During the interview, even when you are nervous, you should never show it_ Try your best to communicate with the interviewers and let them know you better through the interview_ But always bear in mind: you and the company are equal and this is a two-way selection process_ 5_Be confident and always trust yourself. It is normal that people have different exposures and life tracks, so do not underestimate yourself. Everyone is unique and will sooner or later find a desirable employer. The company will choose the most suitable applicants rather than the best candidates.
无论最后结果如何,我都觉得申请宝洁是值得的。面试宝洁令我更加了解自己,知道自己欠缺的能力,还回顾了自己曾经做过的很多事情,令我更有自信,对准备其他公司的申请也非常有参考价值。幸运的是,我最终拿到了offer。关键是一切都要靠自己争取,大家加油吧! |