英语部分:14:00-15:30 共85道 满分150分。
现在只记得4个了:如** approval _____ (A. rate, C. ratio)** ;**an_____ interview (A. exclusive, B. exceptional )***;***a _____ monument (A. perpetual , C. lasting );***____ on sb. to do sth.*** (A. prevail C. persuade,答案选A ) .
就是给出一个句子,划线4个部分,让选出哪个有错,和以前托福语法改错格式差不多。现在就记得一点了:an abundance of evidences, 应该选B. 还有一个enable sb. to do 加下划线了,不过这个是对的。
第三部分:完型填空 20个
主要是关于对待非母语问题,说美国人到了美国大陆,要求印第安人不能使用自己的母语,要将其去除,其中有个选项是eradicate, 否则就会受到惩罚,有个选项是punishment。因此印第安人就刻意不把母语pass on 给下一代。德国也是如此,要求是用德语,在教堂里,学校里还有什么地方都要讲德语,把其他语言书籍都烧掉了。后来说到中国人,虽然在国外上语言课,但是都是segregated class, 里面全是中国人。中国人都喜欢和中国人在一起,比如Chinatown.语言成了影响人们找工作的问题之一。Blabla~~~~
How many people in the world speak English as a first a native language? Exact information on this point is not available, but an estimate of 230 million cannot be very wide of the mark. Of these, 145 million live the
If one thinks solely in terms of total number of speakers, it must be conceded that some authorities place Chinese, the various Indic languages, and Russian ahead of English, others only Chinese. Both Chinese and Indic, however, are terms covering a large number of mutually unintelligible dialects; and though the number of speakers of these languages may seem impressive, communication within the language is much more restricted than in English. Total numbers, moreover, constitute but one phase of the matter. The factor of geographical distribution is equally, possibly even more, significant. English is spoken as a first or native language on at least four continents of the world, Russian on two, Chinese and the Indic language on one, English is without question the closest approach to a world language today. It goes without saying that no two persons ever have an identical command of their common language. Certainly they have not precisely the same vocabulary. There are at least minor differences in pronunciation: indeed the same individual will not pronounce his vowels and consonants in absolutely identical fashion every time he utters them. Everyone possesses in addition certain individual traits of grammatical form and syntactical order, constituting that peculiar and personal quality of language which we term style. All of this is implicit in the well-known phrase, “Style is the man”. No two men are identical; no two styles are the same. If this is true of but two persons, the potential of difference resident in a language spoken by more than 200 million truly staggers the imagination.
51. According to the author it could be said that _______.
[A] more people speak Chinese dialects than English
more people speak English as an auxiliary language than as a first language
[C] about one seventh of the world’s population speaks Russian
[D] more people speak English in the
52. The extract implies that ________.
[A] a little less than half the native English speakers in the world live in the
the 55 million inhabitants of the
[C] about one tenth of the total English-speaking world population lives in ex-British dominions and colonies
[D] it would certainly be an underestimate to suppose 230 million people speaking English as a native language
53. The reason why English is the closest approach to a world language is that _______.
[A] Chinese and Indic languages are mutually unintelligible
Chinese is too complex to be a world language
[C] Russian is only spoken on two continents
[D] there are more native speakers of English than of any other language
54. According to the author the fact that the same individual will not pronounce his vowels and consonants identically every time shows that ________.
[A] everyone has their own literary style
mutual intelligibility is a myth
[C] people’s vocabularies vary
[D] no two people speak the same language in exactly the same way
55. According to the author, style is ________.
[A] significant when it comes to comparing only two people
a question of grammatical and syntactical correctness
[C] the particular way an individual uses language
[D] a strange type of language
第二篇:关于美国的mandated最低工资问题。 一开始说最低工资统一规定不好,不同的州情况不一样。然后就举了几个州最低工资差异。有人反对最低工资,提出最低工资造成企业成本增加,社会失业率增加。后面好像说在经济繁荣的时候,最低工资不为人们关心,但是经济不好时,最低工资还是有用的,blabla~~~
第三篇:伦敦的千禧穹(Millennium Dome) 只找到断断续续的几段,是在New york times上的。
If in this season of annual achievement awards there were one for the biggest New Year's bang and sorriest year-ending whimper, the winner would be
No country built more ambitious millennial projects and talked them up more than Britain, and the centerpiece was the $1.2 billion Dome, on the meridian that gave the name to Greenwich Mean Time and afforded Prime Minister Tony Blair the opportunity to proclaim Britain in 2000 as the ''home of time.'' 然后说千禧穹虽说被认为代表英国人的想象力,但是却是让一个建了法国的迪斯尼的法国人建的。(好像是这样)
The trouble with the Dome began on opening night. Thousands of those invited got stuck on the new subway line built to speed people from central
By the spring, the enormous space was virtually deserted on weekdays. The original projection of 12 million visitors was officially scaled back to 10 million, then 7 million, and finally 6 million, of which only 4.5 million were expected to pay.
In fact, the project may be more a victim of its own hyped expectations than of its actual performance. The anticipated final figures of 6.5 million visitors (5.7 million paying) compare favorably with other
The huge cupola now faces mothballing for several weeks before demolition of the contents begins. Items lent to the exhibition will be returned, following by an auction of all that is left. Over the next months, the government will sell off the Dome and much of the land around it to Legacy P.L.C., an Irish-English company that plans to build middle-class and luxury housing and to turn the building into a high-tech business center with 14,000 jobs.
列举不同时期美国人口中哪一个年龄占主导。从一个中等的年纪到现在老年人占主导,说明美国社会老龄化。年纪大了会带来生理上疾病,举了几种。有一道题问哪一种不是。但是不同的人也不一样。有的四十几岁就老了,还有的很老了,但是过着vigorous sex life. 年纪大了还有心理上的问题。老年人不依赖于子女,因为不想让他们觉得自己很可悲。老年人的意见也不再被人们尊重,说他们过着一种misery的生活。最后一道题问作者的目的是说:A. American society is hostile to old people. B_Old people are putting on a miserable life.
给出了首段和末段,让排列中间段。主要根据连接词。是关于服务价格的问题。一开始好像说企业不大注意服务定价。之后有的厂商注意了,但是还是存在不合理问题。一部分怎样怎样,others怎样。最后就说However, 现在又怎么做改变。好像是这样没细看。
是关于经济衰退的。说人们对经济衰退程度预测不已,一开始预测多少,后来又预测多少,后来又变。其中高盛预测的最悲观。然后提到和Great depression相比。后来说经济学家们也莫衷一词,有的说会变糟糕,有的说会变好。
第一篇关于印度旅游的。问了“palace on wheels”指什么,是“luxury train”;泰姬陵为什么叫“temple of love”,是印度国王为自己心爱的亡妻修建的
第二篇。.第一题问African American如何看待Latinos,第二题问W这个美国白人说了一句话说美国不应该有其他肤色的人种,有的话只应该是奴隶,这句话表明了什么,一个答案是美国社会种族歧视,另一个答案美国白人憎恨有色人种。第三题问most Mexican移民后怎么样了,是Americanized了,lost their mother tongue。
综合一:16:00-17:00。 60分钟,满分150分。巨恶心。
第一部分:符号推理。12个。A-F不同 英文字母代表不同规则,包括图形放大,黑白变化,颠倒位置等。做的巨烂。
1. 汶川地震,对我国的捐赠属于国际收支中的哪项(经常、金融、储备、经济)经常吧
2. 纽约交易所的外汇牌价USD/JPY92.89/92(瞎写的数,原数忘了),反正考这是间接标价法,卖价在前买价在后
3. 将国际贸易,对外直接投资还有什么结合起来的是那个理论? (垄断优势理论、内部化理论、产品生命周期理论、偏好相似理论)
4. 资本资产定价模型计算
5. 比较优势成本的计算
6. 央行履行银行的银行职责体现在什么方面(发货币、制定货币政策、各商业银行向它存存款准备金、?)
7. 商业银行现金资产包括(多选,准备金,超额准备金,同业存款,?)
8. 货币的四大目标相矛盾,但是有两个是匹配的,问是哪两个?(经济增长和充分就业)
9. 通货膨胀和国际收支顺差时,根据斯旺的理论,财政政策和汇率政策应该怎样(增加国内支出,本币贬值;增加国内支出,本币升值;缩减国内支出,本币贬值;缩减国内支出,本币升值)
10. 国际收支的支出分析法
11. 问境外香港上市,但主要业务在国内公司发行的股票被称为:蓝筹股、红筹股、H股、N股
12. 奥肯定律是关于什么和什么的理论
13. 相对购买力评价理论:中国和美国2000年作为基年,物价指数都是100,到了200*年,美国物价指数为105,中国为103,问中国相对美国升值多少:2%,3%,5%,8%
14. 等产量曲线边际技术替代率相同,曲线什么形状:正斜率,凸向原点, 直角
15. 什么会使IS曲线右移
16. 算收益率,一个人花105元买了100元的一张两年期的债权,票面利率6%,半年后卖了110元,同时得到6元利息(20.95%)
17. 利润最大化边际成本边际效益:边际成本?边际收益,且边际成本上升还是下降?
18. 商业银行的派生存款能力取决于什么
19. M1与M2的差额是什么?准货币, ?
20. 一个人现在有能力还贷,但是可能发生不可预知的情况影响还贷能力,这类贷款叫什么贷款:正常、关注、可疑、次级,选关注。
1. 购进一批原材料,货物已入库并通过银行存款结账,应该编制什么会计凭证(收款凭证、付款凭证、转账凭证、收料单)
2. 财务杠杆计算:总资产加负债120万, 负债率40% ,负债利息率10%, 利润20万,好像是这样,(?, 1.32,?,1.56)好像选1.32
3. 某公司坏账准备率是4%,上一年度坏账准备账户余额是1000万,本年度是2500万,问今年计提多少
4. 未分配利润是指什么
1. 一个高市场占有率、高增长的公司属于什么类型(奶牛、瘦狗、明星、?)选明星
2. 矩阵式的组织结构有什么缺陷(多选)
3. 一个公司,工作目标不清,结构有些混乱,员工都不知道该干什么,这时如果你是HR部门,你认为最需要干什么(员工培训、职业生涯规划、绩效考核、工作分析)
4. 韦伯的理论:双因素理论,行政管理理论, 忘了。应该选行政管理理论。
5. 泰勒的理论是什么:目标管理,科学管理,忘了。选科学管理
6. 波特的理论:品牌,还有好像是垄断优势,成本优先,忘了。
7. 心理定价策略:招徕定价、尾数定价、声望定价,忘了
8. 企业愿意和员工订立长期雇佣关系,是因为哪几方面的收益?
9. 群体决策的缺点:责任模糊、群体压力、成本
10. 矩阵式管理的缺点:(适应性差,稳定性差,双重管理,不适合培养全能型管理人)
11. 一个管理者下面管理着多少个人,这叫:(管理层次,管理幅度,管理结构,? )选管理幅度
12. 关于目标管理正确的陈述(上级提出目标同下级讨论,下级提出同上级讨论,上级同下级商量职责分工,?大概是这样)
13. 需求层次理论最高层是什么:自我实现的需要
14. 一个人买电脑,从IBM等大品牌的里面选了一台,问这几个品牌属于什么竞争者
1. 进口有色金属矿石时需要交什么税(多选,关税,资源税,增值税,营业税)
2. 哪一个是直接税:财产税,关税,营业税,增值税
3. 下面哪些税是难以转嫁的(增值税,消费税,营业税,关税,财产税?)
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