标题: 被鄙视了。。UBS quant 1st AC 经验 [打印本页] 作者: P_E_M_Lee 时间: 2010-12-13 19:57 标题: 被鄙视了。。UBS quant 1st AC 经验 彻底被UBS鄙视了。其实主要还是被他们发的邮件忽悠了。在他们邮件里说:
This stage of the recruitment process requires you to complete one competency based interview and a paper - based numerical reasoning assessment.
The numerical assessment consists of 40 multiple choice questions which are designed to assess your ability to evaluate numerical data using facts and figures presented in various statistical tables.
One or two line managers from the business will conduct a competency based interview with you where you will be asked to describe real examples of things that you have done in the past that demonstrate your suitability for a role with UBS.
我还专程带着这封邮件跑到我们学校的career advisory service问了情况,也和他们说清楚了我面的是quant。问他们我该怎么准备。他们说这邮件里说的很清楚了,肯定要问你为什么选择ubs,为什么要做金融等等之类competency based questions。于是乎,我回家把自己的简历好好过了一遍,把个人以往经历好好梳理了一遍。怀着紧张的心情。在8号去了ubs的大楼。就在地铁站边上,相当好找。