1. PwC sets priority on developing our people's project management skills in accordance with client expectations and professional standards. Please identify and a major activity/project you undertook and describe what it was and how you managed the project.
2. In PwC, we encourage our people to learn and coach every day. Please describe a specific achievement of which you are particularly proud and how this contributed to your development as an individual.
3. PwC aims to maintain high standards of professionalism. Please describe a situation when you were engaged in a task where you took a different approach or had a different opinion from others. Please share how this contributed to the team’s success.
那天早上因为对时间掌握不好,8点那班大学城1线没有搭上,在白云大道天桥底下纠结了许久,后来狠下心,打的吧! 足足花了我75块大洋。心里嘀咕:“没有收入先要支出,希望将来能到offer吧” 到中大时还不到9点,心里又有些许郁闷。没过多久就看到袁澍。后来又看到晓琼和张薇,笔试的时候就和两位美女坐在一起。题目都是对着电脑完成,分3部分,第一部分numerical,第二部分verbal,第三部分English written test。前两部没什么记忆了,都是SHL的题型,时间不够用。不少题目是猜到,但是有做到还是能够保证一定的准确率;第三部分的topic是关于“scientist 和 artist 谁对社会贡献大”,写来比前两部分要得心应手。就这样在紧张的情绪中考完,后来听闻某个童鞋的电脑中途死机,后来重新开机再做多一次,题目没变,他算是捡到了大便宜,没过几天就收到AC的通知。而我还在苦苦等待,半个月仍然音讯全无。此间看着大家一个个都去AC,我自己实在寂寞难耐,就跑去美的凑凑热闹,报了所谓的集团资金中心,虽然最后拿到了offer,但是还是拒掉了,一方面原因是待遇偏低,而且顺德北窖太偏了,更重要的还是心中向往着pwc。直到11月16日才收到AC的通知,如下:
Assessment Center
Date: 22 November 2010
Time: 13:30
Venue: 广州市天河区珠江新城珠江西路10号普华永道中心18楼(富力君悦酒店
然后是闲聊,很relax,很enjoy,我问了她tax有什么职能,她说有corporat tax, income tax, custom,etc。她是做corporat tax,希望我能进入深圳tax的话能加入这个division。
Final interview
Date: 25 November 2010
Time: 17:10
面试官是深圳的partner: Charles Li
1. 谈谈广州亚运会
2. 谈谈你的家乡
3. 你会怎么规划你的职业
1. On 12 oct.2009, the china Ministry of Finance issued a document on speed up the development of china’s local accounting firms. From this document, I knew that the government intended to support 10 biggest local accounting firms to a great extent, which meant that these local firms are going to receive some advantages and benefit from the government. As one of the international big four accounting firms’ partner, what are your response to these issue. Do you think Pwc’s leading position in china’s accounting industry will be changed?
2. I love taxation; I believed this career will have a bright future. Therefore, if I am lucky enough to join pwc, I intend to take it as a long term career, not a spring board, for job-hopping. And you are a succesful man in this field. can you share with me your personal experience.