1. GA考察的是大家的协作能力,分析解决问题的方法,贴出来的内容会让大家熟悉概况,关键还是要看当时讨论大家的分工合作,而这是无论如何都不能事先准备的。
2. 德勤每年的面试题目就这么几个,而且持续好几天,他们肯定是不care题目泄露的问题的,否则就会像雅思托福一样采取从大规模的题库抽题的方式了。所以某些觉得我这样做对自己不利的同学不必太放在心上了。
3. 还有某些对我进行人身攻击的同学,i'd like to apologize if i offended you in any way. But your insult to me only reveals your parochial mentality and vulgarity.
真的不知道我们组的表现算怎么样的among all the groups,不过大家合作的很好,每个人都很nice, 真的很感谢大家,不管最后有没有进入下一轮,i really enjoy the discussion and coorperation with you guys!
It seems that posting out the very details of the case is not fair to all the applicants, but if my post can do others a service and help others realize their dream of becoming a DTTer, i'll feel gratified!
Come ooooooon, guys!作者: vahn 时间: 2009-11-7 14:13
楼主人太厚道了!!感激感激:64)作者: easyscarlet 时间: 2009-11-7 14:18
thank you very much~~~!作者: arashizoo 时间: 2009-11-7 14:25