
标题: KPMG职业展:从浙江到北京! [打印本页]

作者: zhaojunjane    时间: 2009-9-17 19:54
标题: KPMG职业展:从浙江到北京!

虽然只有短短的2个多小时,内心却被感动了好多次,虽然第一次来北京,但是感觉并不陌生,也许……  呵呵,who knows, 喜欢Ellen Jin 讲的那句话:那是一种感觉……

暑假里通过了笔试,今年免笔,可当初申的是Hangzhou Office,也在HZ笔的试,问了北京HR关于跨地区申请,HR非常耐心地讲了2种解决方法:
1. 2010网申时,test location选HZ,preferred office 可以选北京
2. test location 和preferred offcie都选BJ,这时,自己就要call HZ的HR,把免笔及其它情况从HZ转到BJ,似乎系统是不同的……

I will make this BJ trip well worthywhile……

Good wishes to everyone, good luck to myself! Come on !
作者: apollocaesar    时间: 2009-9-17 21:01
作者: chenggong2010    时间: 2009-9-17 21:03
作者: wkustc    时间: 2009-9-17 21:12
作者: amandayeah    时间: 2009-9-17 21:15
作者: jwisemoon27    时间: 2009-9-17 21:53
作者: zhaojunjane    时间: 2009-9-17 22:37
呵呵,不辛苦!问了Ellen Jin两个问题,她都非常仔细、耐心地进行了回答,非常感谢她,结合自己的感触现和大家分享:
1. What can recent grads do to impress you?
  Be yourself! Interview is an excellent time to discover each other and decide whether you are an excellent match!  Yes, matching is the most important thing, and excellence is relative to the recipient!

2. Could you please tell us about a person who is considered to be outstanding, then what makes that person special?
   Everybody in KPMG is excellent, and we are now partners because we choose the right industry !

另一个Partner也对第二个问题进行了补充,他强调了the importance of teamwork, it is not just a group of people gathering together to do things, but they give full play to their own advantages then cooperate with each other, thus creating the effect of 1+1 above 2!

In all, I think that we should know ourselves, and sometimes our inner voice will tell us!
And if we do not know(Although it is not so good), it  will be lucky of us to be interviewed and judged by Partners,who will decide whether we are a good fit for it……

come on & Hope^
作者: meganzjn    时间: 2009-9-17 23:15

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