Part 1:不计分的热身题,your greast strenghs and how it helps your career at hsbc? 大致这个意思。
Part 2: 两个视频题(3min录制),Q1:how you approach preparing the briefing note for your MD?(在你从来没有做过briefing的情况下);
Q2:根据PDF中本周的schedule安排经理交代的四个任务,如何fit in your timetable?
Part 3: HPP并购写邮件题what you would recommend to your team regarding the aquisition of EE? ,题目见PDF。ATTENTION 注意材料中的公司名称和各年数据会改,可能会影响写邮件!今年的JSA没有22min的计时和计算题,变成了不限时的behavioral排序题和写一封邮件。其他都是一样的。
Part4 :两个行为排序题,和一个视频题:how you feel about working with new colleagues and how you approach building successful relationship with them?