标题: 2021 Graduate Program VI [打印本页] 作者: chuchu457 时间: 2020-11-27 22:12 标题: 2021 Graduate Program VI 诶哟,看了好多面经结果题目好多都不一样,不过万变不离其宗啦,主要都是考察你的学习能力,应变能力,团队合作精神之类的,还请各位莫慌嘿嘿
1. self intro & why ocbc
2. ...
3. Describe a situation where you need to learn new things
4. Describe a situation where you challenged yourself
5. Teamwork experience
6. Experience of being ethical and doing the right thing
7. Experience when you made decison with not enough information 作者: 可爱娜娜莉0480 时间: 2021-11-16 08:46
我也是这些题 踩点答加一 不知道楼主有没有拿到电话面试??知不知道中文还是英文啊求助