Step 4:Personal Information 包括三个部分:term address, non term address, attach CV。
下面是attach CV 的说明:
Attach CV*
You can only attach one file: this should contain your CV, cover letter and any other materials relevant for your particular application. Note also that only CVs in the Word (.doc), Adobe Acrobat (.pdf), or plain text (.txt) formats will be reviewed.
Step 5:Employment Type
Step 6:University Entrance (这一项也可以不填)
University Details 包括两个部分的填写:undergraduate degree(s), postgraduate degree(s)
Step 7:Work Experience 这一项含有OQ哦,我直接上图啦
Step 8: Other skills 就很好填了,还是一般的Language and IT skill 的填写,这个我就不上图了。
Step 9: Other Information 包括OQ 和其他一些信息的填写,这个大家要好好填哦。
另外还有How did you hear about Deutsche Bank? *的问题,这个就直接select就可以啦。