标题: PWC HK GBA&VI 经历分享 [打印本页] 作者: chloewu95 时间: 2019-10-13 11:17 标题: PWC HK GBA&VI 经历分享 听说PWC几乎是秒发GBA所以我准备好了才网申的,10月3号网申然后4号做的GBA,几乎是毫无准备就做了GBA,中间退出了一次所以总分多少我也不知道,粗略估计可能都不到9000,因为我那个拉电闸的游戏最后才两千多电量,各种考反应和手速的也都做的一塌糊涂,以为没戏了结果前天收到VI了,可见分数并不太重要?香港所VI一共9道题,就是论坛里有的那些,我发现我准备了也没有啥用,真的录起来还是答得比较混乱,写了script其实也没什么用。
1. introduce yourself and why pwc
2. learning a new skill or technology
3. make a decision when there's incomplete information
4. you finished your part but team is falling behind, what would you do
5. game changer
6. when you choose to do things in an ethical way instead of the easier way
7. when you already have a lot of tasks and ddls, a senior colleague assigns you another important task, what would you do
8. reimagine possible experience
9. experience when you need to deal with complex task or large volume of work