Welcome to the team: 六道题,主要是让你选择一些偏好,比如说当你被要求去fix一个你不懂的问题,你会偏向于怎么做?
The Raw Way - luxury vegan clothing brand: 三道题,有一些情景,然后给一些有可能的反应,让你进行排序
The Stem Machine - rethinking coffee: 五道题,同样是一些情景测试
The Steam Machine - social media: 六道题,都是计算题,你需要从图标里提取有用信息来计算作答
The Steam Machine - coffee market trends: 四道题,还是计算题
Vital Force - supporting veterans: 四道题,还是一些情景测试
"Due to the fact that we have implemented new assessments, you may have to wait up to 6 weeks to hear the outcome of your assessment"