第二关就是audio submission. 毕马威这个面试题目我觉得可能是目前来说见过相对简单的了。毕竟现在的英国公司都很喜欢搞video interview了。之前做过PwC的video interview,除了传统的那种tell me about yourself,why do you choose our company; tell me a situation when you...这样的问题之外,还有一些简单的situation case study. 之前PwC的那个面试我因为没有充分准备,直接挂在了“为什么选择我们这个公司?”这个最基础的问题上。所以毕马威这次的问题绝对不敢掉以轻心。
1. Can you tell us why KPMG are the clear choice for you?
2. Can you tell us what interest you about the business area you have applied for?
3. Considering the current and evolving importance of technology to KPMG, how do you think technology will impact KPMG's business in the next few year?
What have you learned about KPMG that makes you want to work here?
Why do you feel that KPMG graduate programme will help to advance your career?
What are some of the things you think you will be doing in the role?
Why did you chosse this area over the other potential options?
What is the most impressive/intresting thing you've learned when researching this business area?
What are the opportunities and risks for KPMG as a busniess?
Why is it important for KPMG to keep up-to-date with advacenments in technology?
How would you respond to theses advancement?
在问题中,有很明确的说到,这三个问题考察的就是career motivation,make an impact,和seized business opportunity.
很明显前两个问题都是考察职业规划和动力,第三个问题是考察对机遇和风险的把握。如何将这三个答案简明扼要并且流畅的回答出来,就是make an impact,考察你的说服和演讲能力。给出的tips也是更精确的知道了一个思考的方向。但是不需要每一个都涵盖到。
首先就是要读企业的annual report, 看一下他们去年的业绩如何,那些部门/service盈利最高?企业核心文化都有哪些?哪一个企业文化最打动你?可以做一个mind map来整理思绪。然后关于你想要工作的领域,首先也是要搞清楚这个行业是做什么的,日常的工作都包含了哪些事项,要求你有哪方面的能力,自己有哪些相关的经验和能力可以match up with这个行业的需求。
我上交录音大概两天后就告诉我通过了选拔,但是由于在我前面的人也有很多,要先把他们安排好才决定要不要让我进入到最后一轮launch pad. 我看了一下wikijob上面的讨论,基本上每个人都会收到这个邮件。不过都会等很久才会知道自己是否真的make it to the launch pad. 希望能够再攒一波人品,让我去到LP,来最后一轮决战。😂