几乎没看到什么分享Wealth management superday的,分享给之后有兴趣的小伙伴叭!
superday一共差不多36个人,估计是通过vi和fast track筛选出来的。一个session两组,一组6个人,一共2.5hr
分为3轮panel interview,都是2v1(1.5hr),和一个group discussion(1 hr)
[panel interview]
Questions are quite random, based on what u are talking about and ur previous experience.
There are still some questions u can prepared:
1. Introduce private banking to a 8 yr old boy
2. Market sizing: estimate the toothbrush market size
3. Current market news and buy/sell suggestions
面试官会根据你的回答不停的往下drill down,确保你真的很了解你讲的内容,在这个过程中可能涉及pricing, stock pitch, sales pitch这都是你不能把握,但是还是要准备的 Just make sure you really understand what u r talking about
[group discussion]
Design a investment portfolio for a new prive banking client
材料会提供非常多的client的情况、他自己的preference、还有porfolio的信息,需要qualitative as well as quantitative analysis
15min自己读材料,30min讨论,6min做presentation 之后Q&A
1. 不要闭眼瞎说自己不确信的内容
2.时间很长,中间会有pressure test,一定要撑住(我面完三轮panel之后整个人已经僵住了,group discussion看材料,大脑一片空白)
3. be flexible and be mature
5. Keep trying and good luck