
标题: 求教一个关于VI DDL的问题【附个人整理的论坛面经】 [打印本页]

作者: ivyan514@brande    时间: 2018-10-28 13:55
标题: 求教一个关于VI DDL的问题【附个人整理的论坛面经】


[size=11_0pt]1_Introduce yourself and why interested in BOA_
[size=11_0pt]2_Which one of your key accomplishments best illustrates your personal initiativeand willingness to push beyond what is required?
[size=11_0pt]3_Teams are often made up of people with perspectives and ideas different fromyour own_ Tell us about a time when you worked on such a team? How did thediffering perspectives lead to team success?
[size=11_0pt]4_Describe a situation in which you were required to make an important decision,based upon little information or data_ What approach did you take in thissituation? How did that approach help you achieve your goal?
[size=11_0pt]5_Tell us about a time that you were given a project or task, but did not receiveclear instructions_ How did you approach this situation?
[size=11_0pt]6_Describe a time you need to make a difficult decision (difficult situation, what'sthe difficulty, what's the opinion, and what's the decision)_ How did youapproach it?
[size=11_0pt]7_Tell me about a time you be a true team player and lead team to succeed_
[size=11_0pt]8_Tell me about a time when a project you were working went wrong. How did youresolve it?


作者: momotaozi1103    时间: 2018-10-31 13:55
作者: buchu    时间: 2018-10-31 15:26

作者: MHcheers    时间: 2018-10-31 23:21
作者: ivyan514@brande    时间: 2018-11-3 06:30
谢谢楼上~~~我联系了BOA的recruiting team他们确实说11.15的DDL发错了,好在给了额外的时间,准备的还算充分,在等待结果中。
第3-5题都是和team work有关的,不知道是不是岗位不同的原因。
第3题:Tell me about an experience of setting up relationships with your teammates, clients, etc. What's the challenge? What's the result?
第4题:Tell me a time when your team face a challenge. How did you solve it? How did you achieve the goal?
第5题:Tell me a time when you want to talk about your opinion with your teammates. How detailed or complicated? What approach did you use? How did you confirm that you convey what you want to express to them.
感觉我后三个都是和team有关的,但是又分别问了不同的技能,relationship,problem solving,communication。
P.S. 有没有申了美国职位的进行到了VI下一步?想看看进展
作者: 15319146    时间: 2019-7-21 12:44

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