标题: 终于,完成了这件事 [打印本页]
作者: 林佳美-天津大学 时间: 2018-10-18 20:13
标题: 终于,完成了这件事
- 10.15上午,笔试。今年不知道从哪个城市开始改革,不再是现场答纸质版的卷子,而是自己找地方网测。总共需要106分钟,三部分,两部分是关于性格的,第三部分90分钟是行测题,其中逻辑判断题比较难,数列图形推理都不难,时间也够用,如果想确保万无一失可以提前买一本华图之类的行测刷一刷,做一做真题,还是有用的,至少心不慌。笔试刷人应该很少,晚上大概七点左右收到第二天群面(测评二)的通知,要自己带笔。
- 10.16上午八点半,群面。同一时间两组,我们组的题目是四个选项排序,内容是影响新能源汽车发展的因素排序:两极分化(国家政策)、智能化网联化的发展趋势、上下游产业链主支线并起、出口贸易的影响。给出排序然后选择其中一点给出对于传统车企的建议。另一组的面试题目是《缘何佛系》,讨论关于佛系青年是消极还是积极,貌似也是给出建议吧。我们组群面的时候,两位面试官,一位是刚毕业的95年人力,另一位不清楚。群面先是5min阅读题目,11分钟11个人阐述观点以及20min的讨论时间是合并的,没人帮你计时,要自己小组的人来掌控,最后3min总结陈述。个人陈述每人1min,不限顺序,要站起来发言。讨论时,楼主看没人做leader,就开启了讨论之门,简单总结一下大家的排序情况,然后提出主线,大概说了下时间,接下来大家就发表自己意见,期间有同学说做了统计被面试官提醒说不能投票表决,过程中不免有人为了说话而重复他人意见,我觉得没必要,如果发言要么推进讨论进程,要么有创意注重细节。期间我会时不时的提醒大家时间和我们还要对传统车企提建议,在大家有分歧的时候整理一下思路,我们组的同学都比较含蓄,分歧不大,比较和谐。楼主很操心没有时间说建议,于是根据之前的资料说了几点新能源汽车需要从硬件方面增加对电池的性能的研发。最后一位同学总结,超时没太说完,然后建议不太具体,不过总体还好,一位同学稍作补充,整体来说还可以,就是说话的人少,给了楼主一定的发挥空间。结束之后,面试官让大家说籍贯、工作地依次选三个、目前签约情况(诚实就好,楼主被逼签某厂,诚实交代并表明最想去的还是一汽大众,除了我大家都没签三方)、有没有继续深造的打算,结束。回去之后对自己群面表现还比较满意,就是担心因为签了约把自己刷掉,忧心忡忡,晚上七点左右收到下一轮通知,欢呼。
- 10.18下午两点半,某大酒店,终面。楼主从十一假期就开始搜罗论坛中的所有中英文问题,问题写了能有五六页吧,包括看了很多关于大众的新闻,因为有英语翻译嘛。三位男面试官,开始就自我介绍,工作地点,选择该地点原因,有没有男朋友,有没有读博打算,不想当个大学老师呀?楼主表示不想再做科研,只想回家过小康生活,然后当年高考分数为什么不去吉大车辆呢,楼主表示,世界那么大,偶想去看看呀!然后问了问毕设题目,科研方向,焊接方法之类的,都比较轻松愉快。然后开始英文翻译,关于2017年大众销量,英文提问:Why do you choose FAW Volkswagen?楼主当然早有准备,从企业优秀(企业使命历史悠久实力雄厚来说),企业人文关怀好,和自己专业相关性家乡优势三点说明,总分结构。第二个英文问题:Can you tell me the difference between Changchun and Tianjin(六年天津学习生活嘛)。之后谈到违约能否等待确保我不会失业等问题,然后说两周之内给结果。就酱,终面两天共48人,群面保守估计有120人吧。说两周之内给通知。哦然后有一位面试官问了我关于产品研发倾向于做哪一个方向,包括预批量试制、零件、项目管理等。
- 结束了一汽大众的面试,楼主也基本快结束了校招的旅程,从假期的两个月实习,到金九银十的每一次机会都不放过,也没什么遗憾了,希望大家都能拿到自己想去地方的offer,希望一汽大众收留我,我能违约成功不失业。
My hometown is Changchun, the provincial capital of Jilin and it islocated in northeast of China. Firstly, the geographical environment issuitable for the growth of crops and the Changchun rice is famous through thecountry. Secondly, Changchun has a strong industrial foundation. Both FAWVolkswagen and optical machine institute are in Changchun. Besides, Changchunis also famous as a movie city, sculpture city and a forest city. You can enjoya cool summer or ski in winter in Jingyuetan Park. Or you can go to ManchukuoPalace to feel the history. In a word, it is a livable city and the peoplethere are hospitable. Welcome to our hometown Changchun!
One of my hobbies is drawing. When I was a child, my grandmotherbought many picture books and I like copying the drawings in them very much_After I went to school, I was in charge of painting blackboard newspaper in myclass. After I graduated from high school, I spent two months to learn sketch_Until now, I always draw postcards or copy photos by myself and give them asbirthday gift to my friends. I think it is a good way to record life and killtime.
对汽车工业前景的看法(What do you think of the future of automobile industry?)
Firstly, with the development of economy, the quality of our life wasimproved and more and more people have enough money to buy a car. Besides, more countryside waschanging into cities. There Besides, compared to America and Europe, the number of cars owned by 1000people in our country still has a big room. Therefore, we still have big market in China_Besides, Nowadays, the application of Internet, electricity and shared culturewas more and more popular. Therefore, it is a trend to create and produce valuable intelligent electromobile. In a word, we still have many challenges to face and many thingsto do for mobile industry in the future.
FAW Volkswagen was founded in 1991 February 6th and untilknow, there are five bases and seven factories in china, which includesChangchun, Tianjin, Qingdao, Chengdu, Foshan. Faw Volkswagen includes twobrands, Volkswagen and Audi. And have 15products: Audi A and Q series, bora,golf, Jetta CC and so on. Our enterprise mission is to produce classical cars,provide best service for customers and promote the harmony between people, carsand society. Until now, Faw Volkswagen has been named the best employer fornine years. And our enterprise is going on the way of 2025 strategy, promotethe SUV, new energy, intelligent and electronic cars.
Firstly, I think Faw Volkswagen is an excellent company. It has a long history and strong quality. Itwas founded in 1992 and now it has five bases, seven factories, two brand and15 products. The products include bora, jetta, golf, CC and so on. The enterprise mission is to producevaluable cars, provide best service for customers and promote the harmonybetween people, cars and our society. FAW Volkswagen is an enterprise who has responsibility of society.
Secondly, FAW Volkswagen makes the employee feel warm and comfortable_It has been named the best employer for nine years. FAW Volkswagen also provideemployee typical training system including German training. When we firstentered the company, there will be mentors leading us. Besides, employee willbe given gifts in festival and birthday.
Thirdly, I majored in welding in the past six years, and welding isan important procedure in the production of cars. Moreover, Changchun is anattractive city and I was familiar with Changchun.
In conclusion, FAW Volkswagen and Changchun are both attractive forme. I want to join it very much.
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