
标题: 【干货总结】一汽大众历年面试问题总结(群面+终面) [打印本页]

作者: zhangyifu1993@y    时间: 2018-10-18 17:08
标题: 【干货总结】一汽大众历年面试问题总结(群面+终面)

1_自己的优点?[size=10_5pt]absolutely advantage
About my advantages, I am a responsible, positive and open-minded person, and I can have much enthusiasm for a thing for a long time_ I must finish it, if I start it_
For example, we know, student union work and research work often have time conflict, but I will not give up any work that I should do even if I must sacrifice my spare time to finish it_
2_自己的缺点?如何克服?[size=10_5pt]([size=10_5pt]Disadvantage[size=10_5pt], [size=10_5pt]shortcoming[size=10_5pt], [size=10_5pt]defect[size=10_5pt], [size=10_5pt]fault[size=10_5pt], [size=10_5pt]weak point[size=10_5pt])([size=10_5pt]overcome[size=10_5pt], [size=10_5pt]get over[size=10_5pt], [size=10_5pt]surmount[size=10_5pt], [size=10_5pt]conquer[size=10_5pt])
For the time being, I’m lack of work experience_ What’s more, my major is Electrical Engineering, so I am probably lack of knowledge of the automobile engineering, but I will study hard to strengthened myself in automobile engineering in the future_ By the way, I have already put some books about automobile in the Favorites in Amazon_
3_最自豪的一件事?[size=10_5pt]What I am most proud of during my school life[size=10_5pt]?
In my second year of university, As the publicity director, I represent my society to make a speech in the competition of TOP 10 societies of ____ We spend a lot of time and energy to prepare this important competition_ Finally, we got the reward from over 100 competitor_ I feel very proud of it_
4_最遗憾(失败)的一件事?[size=10_5pt]R[size=10_5pt]egrettable[size=10_5pt], [size=10_5pt]repentant[size=10_5pt], [size=10_5pt]sorry[size=10_5pt], [size=10_5pt]pity[size=10_5pt], [size=10_5pt]apologetic ([size=10_5pt]f[size=10_5pt]ailures)?
In Graduate Entrance Examination, because despising the difficulty of the exam, I failed to get the score line of ___, but fortunately, I get the score line of _____ For my girlfriend had already turned down a postgraduate recommendation, I failed to keep an appointment to study together with her, and she had to suffer a long-distance relationship_ l’ m very sorry for that_
5_别人怎么评价你?[size=10_5pt]How do others rate you?[size=10_5pt]([size=10_5pt] evaluate[size=10_5pt], [size=10_5pt]assess[size=10_5pt], [size=10_5pt]appraise[size=10_5pt])
My classmates may tell that I am a reliable, trustworthy, easygoing, sincere and kind person, I always consider the feelings of others_
6_[size=10_5pt]Who is your best friend
He is my primary school and middle school classmate_ We have known for nearly 16 years_ He is a person who can be trusted_ Once he promise you to do something, he will definitely do it_
Two nights before the entrance exam, he sent me the practice materials in the rain, Because he promised the teacher to send the materials to everybody in time_
I want to learn from him, to be a honest and trustworthy person_
My girlfriend is my college classmate_ We became lovers in the second semester of the first year in college_ It has been over 5 years from we got together_ Our friends all say that we are a model of love_
We first met in ____ _ We rode a tandem bicycle and watch the beautiful scenery of the early spring together_ After that, we often met for a walk, went to class, read books in library and have dinner together_ Our love improved day by day, We work hard together for the future, We think for each other_ Every day with her is very happy_
I have a happy family_ There are 3 people in my family, My father, mother, and I_ I’m the only children in my family_
My father is ___, and my mother is___ My parents’ overcome all the hardship to bring my up, but they never let me few lower than others_ They are the greatest person in my heart_
Although my parents are common people, they are hard-working and kind_ Their word and action tell me how to behave myself well_ They support my choice_ they give me enough freedom to do what I want to do_ When I face hardship, they encourage me to find way out_
I love them very much_
I’m glad to have the opportunity to introduce my hometown ____
____ has a long history, The history of ____ can be traced back to the ____, when it was the activity area of _____
What’s more, My hometown has several tourist attractions, such as _____ and so on_ The local people are very kind, so welcome to my hometown, I believe you will enjoy the trip!
That’s all, thank you_
Mount _____ is one of my favorite tourist attraction in my hometown, it is a four A level tourist attraction_ It almost has the same beauty of ____, so it is called "_____" The wild goats in the forest always escape from wolves and tigers, so most of the time they live on the cliffs of this mountain, so it gets the name____, it means _____ There are dozens of strange landscapes, such as_____ and so on_ They are all so beautiful, magnificent, and very worth seeing_
10_描述一下你的爱好(特长)[size=10_5pt]interest[size=10_5pt], hobby([size=10_5pt]Specialty[size=10_5pt], strong point)
I like playing badminton_ I have a good net technology and backhand technology_ Playing badminton can help me regulate the learning and researching rhythm, exercise, and lose weight_
12_羽毛球比赛中收获了什么?[size=10_5pt]gain, learn
I attended mixed double matches with my senior sister_ She sprained her ankle during the game, but she still insisted on the game_ From the matches, I learned a lot, such as teamwork spirit and friendship_ Without her contribution, without our teamwork and cooperation, we could not won the matches_
[size=10_5pt]13_Do you like readingWhat kind of book do you like
Yes, I like reading very much, I like Historical book and Painting set, but my favorite is Love story novel.
The book I am reading recently is "Your Name". The book is written by Makoto Shinkai, a Japanese writer and director, it’s a novel of the movie with same name. This book tells a story about the love through time and space.
A girl living in a town and a boy living in Tokyo exchanged their bodies, a lot of interesting stories have taken place during this time. One day, the boy found that the girl has died in a disaster caused by a fallen comet three years ago. Through their efforts, the fate of the two lovers also began to turn. Finally, they meet in the same time and space.
The two lovers in the book can overcome the difficulty of life and death, through different time and space. So love must be persisted, no matter what you meet.
16.五年内职业规划Career planning
I hope to be a product development engineer. I will integrate into the corporate culture actively, combine to practical work to theoretical knowledge, grasp the rhythm of work, and insist on the job responsibilities.
After entering the job, the transition from a green hand to a professional engineer will be realized within 3 years. I will further improve myself, through the accumulation of experience step by step, I hope to be a important cadre among product development engineers with in 5 years.
I think I have excellent learning ability and working attitude, and I will work hard for this career planning.
My major is .... in both undergraduate and postgraduate time. ..... is a key discipline in modern science and technology.
I bacame an intern at ..... for over a month. The company, located in ...., is committed to design the motor drive system used in electrical vehicles.
I was responsible for ..... .
20.你是如何做出选择的?make a choice, decision
First, Listen to the opinions and suggestions of elders, parents, and friends.
Second, Don't stick to the rules, and dare to make innovative and breakthrough choices based on actual conditions.
Last, tell myself that no matter what decision         I make, I must bear the consequences myself.
I graduated from .... with a bachelor’s degree and will graduate from ... with a master’s degree.
... and ... are both famous universities in China, and they are the best universities in my mind. .... is a serious and strict university major in engineering, and ... is an inclusive and open comprehensive university. I spent the best time with my universities. I am very grateful for the education both in Knowledge and personality.
22.How do you think about professional experience and professional education? Which one is more important? Give me the reason.
I think they have different importance in different time.
When one is a Graduates, professional education seems more important to him or her. Without professional education, he or she cannot have the chance to work for a good company. Thus, he or she cannot get professional experience at all.
When one is already a staff of a company, professional experience will be more important. Without professional experience, he or she cannot have the chance to be a senior staff or a cadre in the company. Having professional experience will help one more competitive at this time.
23.How do you prepare for your CET6?
First, I made daily plans including daily words plan, daily listening plan, and daily reading plan. I set alarms on my phone to ensure the plans can be done in time.
Second, I did Mock test papers everyday from the day a week before the Official test, to Keep the feeling of CET test.
Volkswagen is one of the world’s top manufacturers of automobiles. With its future programme “TOGETHER-Strategy 2025” the Group is becoming a global leader of sustainable mobility.
Volkswagen has 12 individual brands, including the Audi brand group and the Volkswagen brand group. Each brand operates as an independent entity on the market. The products range from motorcycles to small cars and luxury vehicles.
The group is a long-established but dynamic and innovative one. It constantly breaks through itself. In the era of new energy, the group is leading the world’s new stage of electric mobility. It also develops intelligent transport systems for cities, With the effort of Volkswagen, the urban ecosystem will be cleaner and safer in the future.
The group has an excellent strategic vision and has been deeply rooted in the Chinese market. It is a landmark that Volkswagen and FAW jointly established FAW-Volkswagen company, it provides a new development concept and a successful practice model for the rapid development of Chinese automobile industry.
My girlfriend is working in FAW-VW, so I hope to work together with her and all the staff of the big family.
What’s more, FAW-Volkswagen is one of the best automobile company in China, covering full range of passenger cars, and the performance and sales of each product are leading products in the market.
The company has good development prospects and can provide me with a broad development platform, and it has been rated as "Best Employer "for many years.
All in all, the group is a desirable company, and being a member of it will be the pride of my life.
My major is ....., and my research direction is ...... so becoming a product development engineer is more suitable for me. I can ....., according to the actual working conditions of the car. I can make my own contribution to the development of the .... .
I want to buy Audi A6L. First, Audi is a famous brand in China. Its temperament is Low-key and restrained. In the A6L interior, every detail has been carefully designed by top experts. The A6L gives people a more light and elegant feel by a more atmospheric body. It will let me have an extraordinary driving experience by its top safety performance and dynamic performance.
28.汽车行业未来的发展?(对汽车工业前景的看法?)Automobile industry, prospect
Automobile industry will be a sunrise industry for a long time to come because I can hardly imagine how people live when they have no car. In Automobile industry, there are the world's top engineers and scientists, so future high-tech will be born here. In new energy era, advanced motor technology and Autopilot technology based on artificial intelligence will lead the revolution in the automotive industry.
4. (一汽大众)有关员工成长,选出15个选项中两个最重要和两个最不重要的方面?
9. (一汽大众)本市大学生3.7万,找到工作的1.7万,为提高就业率,人大代表提出议案:

作者: 千skr    时间: 2018-10-20 23:08
作者: zhangyifu1993@y    时间: 2018-10-23 11:40
千skr 发表于 2018-10-20 23:08


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