由OT,AC到PI都在这里得到了很多帮助,如果没有应届生的话,我想我一定不会拿到Offer的,所以决定写一个帖子,希望可以帮助一下想在英国找工作的同学。我是一年制的硕士生,本科在国内读,申请的是2019 Spring Management Consulting Graduate Programme。由去年十月开始申请工作,大概申了50多间可以sponsor visa的公司,只有5间公司有面试,其他公司在网申已经被刷掉,可能是因为visa的问题,因为很多公司雇佣senior 级别的人时才会sponsor visa的。所以想在英国留下来,Big4是比较大机会的选择,因为他们愿意sponsor visa给刚毕业的学生,而且他们招聘的人比较多。
两条问题:Why you choose PwC和Why have you chosen this particular business area
一定要认真写!!英国的公司很看重Application form和cover letter, 如果HR觉得你写为何选这间公司的原因太普遍,显示不到你对公司的了解和热诚,就会刷掉。建议写之前看公司的Press Release,选一两个你觉得有趣或特别的点来做选这间公司的原因,这样我觉得挺有效的。
第一个task是写report,三十分钟时间,看一份7页的booklet,写一份两页A4的report。题目是Quality Media,公司要从3个option选一个。3个Options大概是1. Diversify into streaming services. 2. Join up with a technology partner. 3. Diversify into gaming。建议AC之前准备好结构,一拿到题目就直接写,因为时间真的很紧张,再想就写不完了,我用的结构是:
The aim of this report is to analyse the 3 proposals offered to Quality Media. The 3 proposals are 1,2,3. This report will provide a recommendation.
Option 1: Diversify into streaming services
This proposal offers ... (大概2行) The advantages are …(最多2个), while the disadvantages are …(最多2个)
Option 2: Join up with a technology partner
This proposal offers ... (大概2行) The advantages are …(最多2个), while the disadvantages are …(最多2个)
Option 3: Diversify into gaming
This proposal offers ... (大概2行) The advantages are …(最多2个), while the disadvantages are …(最多2个)
From the above analysis, option X is recommended because … (随便选一个,用最后一页多数据support)
Partner Interview:
面我的是一个去年十月才开始在PwC工作的senior manager,一开始他先自我介绍,然后问我知不知道今天要做什么。我回答他要介绍一下自己和回答一些competency based questions。他就说对,然后就开始读PwC 5个 competency的description,再问问题,感觉他没有很熟悉怎样interview XD每个competency大概有2-3条问题,回答完后有一些follow up questions。整個過程大約45分钟,15分钟問interviewer問題。能回忆起来的大概是这几題:
• Why PwC? Why management consulting? How does it add value to client?
• When you have to build a relationship quickly
• When was a time that you created and developed a relationship with someone outside your normal network?
• A piece of work that I am pound of
• When have you implemented something new?
• When you have had to lead a team
• A Time when u provided an exceptional client service
• Name a time you've shared information with someone outside your network that you don’t know
1. 准备至少8个可以加盐加醋的例子。因为不可能准备所有的题目,按例子准备的话就算问到没有准备的题目,也能容易应变,而且在准备的时候尽量把每个例子都想得详细一点。
2. 在wikijob搜题目。我看了近2年关于PwC PI的贴子,把出现过的问题都写下来并且准备例子,虽然到最后不够时间准备所有题目,可是面试的题目都是我有看过的,就算没有准备也不会太慌。
3. 我面的时候没有问任何business awareness的问题,可是我有在面试前兩个月開始每天看Financial Times, 如果没有时间的话可以在LinkedIn关注一个叫LinkedIn Daily Rundown(UK)的账户,每天都有几则十分简短的新闻,我觉得不错