Can you ioduce yourself?
Why do you apply this job?
What do you think of “Product Manager”, what does PM do?
I realize that you had a lot work experience even during the term times. Why do you arrange in this way and how do you handle all the commitments?
What do you think of FinTech?
我:两方面吧。首先,打开这个产品,对这个产品各个按键走一遍,看看最基本的交互设计,图形设计。从这种最基本look and feel的东西,不管是不是目标客户,都能大概看出来制作团队有没有用心,这款产品对用户的诚意有多大。另一方面,我们可以通过目标客户进行采访调研。通过目标客户的反馈来评价这个产品的好坏。大概就是这两方面。
…… (中间还有很多问题,一面中问的问题也有重复问到,我就重复说了一遍,面试官还给了我个大拇指。)