
标题: 英国PwC 3轮面试通过分享! [打印本页]

作者: ABCDEF007    时间: 2016-9-2 21:53
标题: 英国PwC 3轮面试通过分享!
what do you know about the graduate programyou are applying to?  
why do you want to work for pwc? why pwc?(what do u know about pwc?)      
what is a recent business or economic storythat has been in the news that interested you? and how could pwc benefit fromthis?
what do u understand about the role ofassurance?      
how does the graduate schemework?/structure of ACA      
when was a time you actively soughtfeedback?   
when was a time that you had to givefeedback or criticism to a colleague or peer
how do you keep track of business issues inthe world?         
explain a time you had to complete acomplex task      
explain to me a time you had to multi task differentprojects to meet a deadline?
explain to me a time you actively soughtdifferent perspectives? why did you seek the different perspectives? what didyou learn from this?        
explain a time you completed a task withlittle to no guidance?   
when was a time that you created anddeveloped a new relationship with someone outside your normal network?
when have i used my analytical skills tosolve a complex problem?  innovation
When have I worked with a group which hashad opposing views? When have I had to work with someone who has had adifferent way of working to me?     
准备方法:逐一准备,在电脑上写思路,运用star结构(situation, task, actions, result
举例:When did you show innovationto solve a problem?
-Situation: During my internship in amarketing company, I was responsible for organizing career fairs in PekingUniversity. The problem is ….past few….our career fair not wellreceived…average 75% attendance rate.
-Task: I wanted to make it fully attendedand made a real impact on the target university
-Actions: I studied for the social mediachannels---used to post ads on general job websites---I decide to put a few onpeking University forum so more students could see them.
Almostevery Chinese student use wechat. I talked to my high school classmates inPeking University and asked them to invite me to their job discussion groupchat, where I posted our career fair ads.
Ialso redesigned the format of ads to make it more lively and student-friendly.
-Results: The attendance rate was roughly150%, doubled.
My supervisor was impressed by the result_She kindly asked me if I could help them hold more career fairs.
PwCAC非常结构化,万年不变的3大类:数学和逻辑;书面报告(written report);小组讨论(group discussion)。总共花费的时间约3小时,结束后会有和现职员共进午餐的机会(其实是三明治和水果),了解公司文化,顺便可以打听一下par面的事情。
PwC AC面的3个环节采取1-6分计分法,只要每个环节达到3分或者3分以上就可以通过AC,所以无论你那场AC遇到的组员是渣还是霸,你和他们都不是竞争关系,只要顺利拿到及格分就可以了,这一点一定得想明白。
1.      Numerical and Logical Test: 带好计算器和手表!
Numerical一共有20道题,20分钟完成,正如所有PwC AC前辈们说的,题目顺序是打乱了的,一共7到8页的纸,20题任意分布,可能1,5,9是用的同一张图,题目难度参考KPMG经典24题,不会比那个难,但可能会比PwC网上测试复杂一点,所有的数学都是基础数学,考察的是在压力时间下分析图表并计算正确结果的能力。监考的考官也说了: we find those who do well in these tests also do well at work。20道题,基本上没有谁能够做完,在保证准确率的情况下适当提速,不可因为图快而乱填,乱猜。在20题当中,只要能够保证12题以上做对,就可以通过了。我当时完成了14题,大概有12题是有把握做对的,后来HR打电话反馈的时候告诉我,我numerical得了4分(总分6分),所以大家可以以此来参考自己的速度和节奏。
Logical一共40道题,20分钟完成,题目比online test简单,但logical不仅要保证准确率,还得适当提速,至少要答对30题,也就是说要做大约34题以上,才能过关。如何练习?可参考SHL的logical以及UBS logical test。Logical相对numerical来说难度更小,我当时完成了36题,能保证做对33题左右,后来HR的电话反馈告诉我,logical拿到5分。
2.      书面报告(written report)
这份报告是需要用手写的,所以首先要注意自己手写的速度和字体大小,以及是否清晰。Written report会给每人一份10页左右关于CO2排放的报告,30分钟看加写,时间相当紧,但是如果注意好以下几点,你会觉得written report是最有章可循的一个环节。
a.      结构完整性大于内容。Written report结构很简单,第一段介绍,这个report是关于什么的,你可以套用这样的句式(雅思作文): CO2 emission has been a …issue for a long time, and this reportwill introduce four methods, namely, capand trade, taxation, subsidy and reporting, to curb the CO2 emission. Thereport will compare the pros and cons of each method and give a finalrecommendation in the end. 以上开头,完全足够,HR给我的反馈是,开头非常不错,简单明了,直入主题。所以开头是不需要花费脑筋的,是最简单最容易得分的一部分。
b.      中间几段,请分别列出4种方法的pros and cons,每个pro和con只需要1-2条即可,多了完全没有必要,而且当时也没有时间挖掘更多。需要注意的是,pro和con不可以根据自己的想象来写,一定要从报告中找出,个人认为中间部分是最需要花时间的部分,如何准备?可以事前去google里找”CO2 emission cap and trade..CO2 taxation”等话题,熟悉里面的套路,因为这些方法的好处坏处说来说去就那些。
c.       最后一段,一定要给出建议,具体你推荐哪种方法不重要,他们也不在乎,他们在乎的是你一定要有结尾。
d.      不用过分准备。之前PwC AC的帖子很多人留言,请各楼主发送一下资料到自己的邮箱。。。这个其实没有太大必要,因为我相信没有谁会有原题,或者原封不动的报告对吧?不然PwC的面试岂不是就被完全破解了?之所以这样说,是想告诉没有要到题目或者资料的朋友,完全不必担心。
3.      Group Discussion。
讨论题目是energy company,旗下有5个产品,每个人有其中一个产品的报告,同时每个人还有一份公共报告,讨论的目标是从5个产品中选出一个,作为公司未来的发展目标。
有关这一环节的注意事项,很多前辈总结得非常好,大概有:记住每个人的名字,眼神交流,记录每个人的说话,engage quiet people, be a timer, refer back to the purpose of thecompany, look at the big picture, etc.
第一个出现的得分点是20分钟的无声阅读后,即将开始的小组讨论,建议能早说就早说,get your voice heard!这时候,可以陈述一下今天讨论的目的,最终的目标,也可以给大家设立框架,奠定基调,for example, today we are going to discuss about… the final purposeis to …so I suggest we talking about our unique product one by one, and thencompare the pros and cons of each product…rule out the inappropriate ones… nowwe have …minutes left, so tom/jack/.. could you start to talk abt your …当然,这些点不会被你一个人踩完,要察言观色,洞察整个局势,适当补话,或者增加新的话题。
第二个得分点,出现在计算。计算公司的整个budget(我记得好像是21.88 million),然后提供给大家参考。第一个算出各类指标的(payback period, cost, pro, con, company priorities)会有加分。如果觉得自己英语不6,或者有点羞涩,可以在计算上下功夫,也能拿分。
第三个得分点,出现在讨论当中,如果觉得自己插不上话,你可以在别人说完之后,立马paraphrase别人刚刚说的. For example: Tom, I think it's a good idea by pointingout….according to my understanding, you are trying to say….到这个时候,场面的中心会自然落到你这里,然后你再加入一些新的元素, 比如 however, I don't get the exact disadvantages of your product..socould you please elaborate on that a little bit. 或者 I think we couldalso talk about the total profits in ten years, 再或者 we haven’t consideredthe installation time for each product, which could be costy…总之,做好承上启下,就能拿分,不要纠结自己说的是不是完全正确,整个讨论,形式大于内容,套路大于实力。
第四个得分点,是在大家纠结于细节的时候,你突然把大家拉回到一个大框架上面,比如: we only got 12 minutes left, so I think we need to hurry up…或者 we’vetalked a lot about the commercial side of each product, how about the itsenvironmental impact, and the company’s relationship with media. 容易被大家忽视的2点是:媒体关系和公司价值观.媒体关系(或者公关),要求公司对环保做出一定承诺,同时在讨论过程中,要回归到company value. 如果你能在混乱的讨论中,将这两个新的元素加入进来,一定会让考官对你好感倍增。
第五个得分点,在讨论途中,考官会突然甩出一个报告,啪!政府取消赞助,这个时候第一个算出新budget并initiate 讨论的,有加分。
第六个得分点,在于你的manner。说话的时候,看着别人眼睛,别老低头看自己的笔记。以及英语非母语的我们,如何使用敬语?thank you, please, could, I appreciate..常挂嘴边。适当幽默,把大家逗笑,也是本事。同时不要很明显的打断别人说话,找到适当的插入点。也不要怕被认为aggressive而在那儿不说话,老把机会给别人,因为只有30分钟,5个人,或者更多人,大家都想抓住机会多说话,多拿分,你千万别成为那个quiet person,让别人最后engage你,然后反而别人拿分。。比如,包括你在内同时3人说话,你可以适当提高一下音量,他们自然就会shut up,屡试不爽,而且是属于非aggressive的方法。
第三轮senior interview
英国的senior interview和国内的有差别,国内的似乎都会为难一下,搞个压力面,英国的很少遇到压力senior,大多都是谈话性质的面试,考察的无非就是你这个人性格怎么样,能不能友好相处,主要的点有networking skills, leadership, teamwork, your understanding ofPwC/the position you are applying for, current affairs, 还有关于你本科,研究生选课,学习,课余生活等。
Why the particular company? How do youknow about PwC?
Why the particular job/ What do you knowabout assurance? What u will be doing on a day to day basis? What is yourcareer plan?
Why accountancy:
Why assurance:
Tell me about the service lines PwCprovide? How do we (those lines) add value to our clients?
Why the particular office? What problemsor something to do with what the xx office should be focusing on? Why xx andwhy not London? Or why you choose London office
What is your ideal industry to work in?Ideal clients to work with?
What can you bring to PWC/what is yourunique skill set?
Have you applied for other companies?
What willyou do if you don't get this job
EuropeAudit Reform

businesswhich is doing well, business which is struggling, UK economy, latest news                  
two industries you’ve been keeping up with
How do you keep yourself undated with thelatest news?
Tell me about yourself, your studies, yourinternships - not too detailed just some headlines and what you like aboutthem.
What did you learn from your internships?
General Steps of Audit:
Explain the basic principles of auditing.
How doyou think you'll manage with ACA and full time work?
When have you implemented something new? (变形:What newskills have you learnt recently? How have you applied this to other areas ofyour life) When have you learnt something new?
When haveyou worked with someone with opposing views? Atime where you disagreed with a colleague and it impacted on our relationship?When have you had a problem communicating with someone, how did you rectify it?
When have you brought others round to your point of view? Tell me about thetime when you persuaded a group to your point of view? Tell me about the timewhen you influenced someone?
Ateamwork when you played different roles
Tell meabout the time when you introduced some business process at work? A Time whenyou change some business process?
When have you changed your working style according to feedback?
What is your biggest challenge/goal at the moment?
When have you set yourself a goal/over achieved it?
When do you have to communicate some information to someone?
A Timeyou build a relationship? A time when you havehad to build a new relationship
A Timewhen u provided an exceptional client service and how do you understand anexceptional client service? (two examples) (变形: a timeyou exceeded someone’s expectations)
2examples of when you had to make and stick to a strict budget
Prepareyour own questions! Preferably with follow up questions.
Thetechnology development requires future auditor to have new skills includecoding and cyber security awareness. What steps have you done so far to equipthe current auditor with future skills or PwC wants to decentralize theassurance department by hiring tech savvies.

Admissionto partnership involves a formal assessment of the quality of the individual’saudit work and their adherence to ethical requirements and professionalstandards. Any system to measure’s soft skills, such as relationship and networkingskills?

作者: WeiGluttony    时间: 2016-9-4 08:33
佩服 祝一切顺利哈哈哈哈
作者: 井秀明秋    时间: 2016-9-4 18:23
作者: yumewmx    时间: 2016-9-4 19:09
楼主什么时候申请的呀 申请的什么呢
作者: ABCDEF007    时间: 2016-9-12 22:04
yumewmx 发表于 2016-9-4 19:09
楼主什么时候申请的呀 申请的什么呢

assurance. 6,7月快毕业申请的,算是末班车了吧。

作者: lonelykitty    时间: 2016-9-18 05:33
作者: cqleslie    时间: 2016-9-29 05:40
恭喜楼主,谢谢楼主的分享。请问, 你是OT完成, 多久后收到电面的啊? 方便加下微信分享一下吗?

作者: therainbowgirl    时间: 2016-9-30 00:04
作者: 姜花尾巴草    时间: 2016-10-11 13:52
作者: RHWei    时间: 2016-10-13 16:08
作者: zz413994651    时间: 2016-10-21 20:25
楼主太赞了!!!!   非常感谢!
作者: ABCDEF007    时间: 2016-10-22 00:52
cqleslie 发表于 2016-9-29 05:40
恭喜楼主,谢谢楼主的分享。请问, 你是OT完成, 多久后收到电面的啊? 方便加下微信分享一下吗?


作者: Vision250    时间: 2016-11-6 17:36
pwc愿意做visa sponsor吗?
作者: OMG@SD    时间: 2016-11-8 04:31
作者: ABCDEF007    时间: 2016-11-16 05:01
Vision250 发表于 2016-11-6 17:36
pwc愿意做visa sponsor吗?


作者: Vrq    时间: 2017-1-6 01:45
太谢谢楼主了!!!超级用心也特别善于总结!!!really helpful!!!
作者: yyyhs    时间: 2017-1-7 00:23
楼主赶的是2016 graduate program 的秋招么?
作者: kfintown    时间: 2017-1-23 09:55
作者: y.ruan29    时间: 2017-3-3 22:39
请问lz,AC里的written report时态应该用什么?
作者: melodieszyc    时间: 2017-3-6 07:58
谢谢楼主~~ 刚刚加了你微信
作者: Anja_Yu    时间: 2017-3-17 21:28
作者: ABCDEF007    时间: 2017-3-30 22:40
yyyhs 发表于 2017-1-7 00:23
楼主赶的是2016 graduate program 的秋招么?


作者: ABCDEF007    时间: 2017-3-30 22:41
y_ruan29 发表于 2017-3-3 22:39
请问lz,AC里的written report时态应该用什么?


作者: younglapland    时间: 2017-4-13 17:52
这是我看过的 有史以来最棒的AC经验分享贴 谢谢楼主~
作者: 王尼玛小帅    时间: 2017-4-21 06:00
好棒啊 恭喜恭喜
作者: syzhangrenyi    时间: 2017-8-22 23:19
作者: sherrystrawberr    时间: 2017-11-23 12:50
作者: wo0097    时间: 2017-11-24 06:37
作者: krising    时间: 2017-12-6 17:03
请问楼主,我做完ot后,并没有phone interview,就收到了ac invitation. 是这个程序吗?在邮件中说有interview,我不知道这个interview是指 senior interview 还是phone interview? 另外,senior interview是在assessment day还是另一天安排?
作者: Siyi_    时间: 2018-1-19 20:16
krising 发表于 2017-12-6 17:03
请问楼主,我做完ot后,并没有phone interview,就收到了ac invitation. 是这个程序吗?在邮件中说有interv ...

感觉应该是指最后的par interview 你是什么时候的ac啊?

作者: enkb1102    时间: 2018-1-22 18:43
Siyi_ 发表于 2018-1-19 20:16
感觉应该是指最后的par interview 你是什么时候的ac啊?
我下周 ...

今年没有了phone interview, 之前看wikijobs 上面有人说他问过hr原因, 说是speed up the process. AC 过了之后 还得再等 hr 约 director 或者 Partner 来.  

作者: ABCDEF007    时间: 2018-6-17 18:44
Hello我是2年前发的这个帖子,希望能够帮助更多的人。还没有准备申请PwC或者其他事务所的同学,欢迎加我微信kieren1994,无偿辅导,包括网申技巧和如何做Online Test. 100%过,不要死在面试前。

作者: ABCDEF007    时间: 2018-7-29 21:31

作者: 拨云    时间: 2020-1-15 07:13
太受用了 像楼主献上膝盖

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