提前:楼主觉得这个非常非常非常重要,我很感谢自己提前到了,找到小伙伴然后开始各种开玩笑,熟悉一下彼此的背景和性格,然后 leave a good impression所以在后面的群面中发言的时候有人认真听。卤煮之前看到一句话觉得非常有道理,在大家水平差不多的情况下,能让大家信服的必定是因为大家已经信这个人了,才会相信他说的话。所以觉得自己能力没有那么出挑的同学,不妨先跟每个人搞好关系。
1) Preparation/Plan make things perfect.
2) Make sure you know what you want to do since the beginning and plan ur way well. Try to do tons of internships when you enter the uni so that you will have more experiences at work, more goods stories to tell in the interviews and figure out what you really want.
3) Grab every chance you got and work hard!!!! Don`t waste every interview chane which may prepare yourself better in your next interview.
4) It is never too late to turn back and work hard.
5) GOOD LUCK! WORK HARD AND BE CALM. You will get something finally.