1) Population change from agriculture to non-agriculture sectors 的 ad 和disadvantage 劳动人口从农业转非农业产业的利弊。
农业:给人民bring milk and honey.
AD: The second and third industry will be more prosperous, and the economic status of China will be raising as a result. Last twenty years have witnessed how China make an amazing change from the agriculture based country to No.1 global factory_And now the third industry such as financial service, internet service, tourism etc are enjoying a boom, and enable Chinese people to live in diversity and rich.
DIS; 食品供给不足可能导致价格上涨,对外国供给依赖性增加难以保证国家独立性,(外国基础食品控制,维护独立自主地位的担忧)independence status
行动: 靠科学技术(关键),政府鼓励增加对农业的物资和资金投入,调整优化农业(optimize the structure)、产品结构,合理调整农业生产的区域布局(adjust the layout),解决农产品销售不畅(solve the dull sale),农民收入增长缓慢等急需解决的问题
key is to improve growing technology which can raise the quality and quantity of every harvest_Offer subsidy for agriculture industry and attract more industryand commerce fund to invest in this area_Combine the first industry with the second and the third, which means make full use of the "factory"-greenhouse to produce standardized crops, and provide diversity service to our customers.
2) online media 会不会代替traditional media, 举例说明自己的观点
开头: 20世纪末,新媒体得到高速发展,互联网、移动网、微博、微信以及电子商务(E-commerce) 等层出不穷(emerge in an endless stream)。当下,海量的信息每时每刻都在包围着我们,甚至连我们呼吸的空气中都充斥着信息
新媒体的优点: 更加及时(不用每次等晚上6:00新闻或者早上7:00报纸,随时可以知道世界发生了什么), 效率更高单位成本更低(减少用纸,人人可以当记者),更加透明(因为利益和权利相关者的阻挠 crossed而无法发布release的几率降低).The possibilities that certain news can't be released because it's crossed by the interest related group are decreasing.
缺点:海量的信息每时每刻都在包围着我们,甚至连我们呼吸的空气中都充斥着信息。我们渴望信息,又惧怕信息:究竟哪些是真?哪些是假?就如同雾霾的空气中充斥着有害颗粒(hazardous substances )一样,呼吸空气的同时,有害颗粒(harmful component) 也在损害(challenge our health) 我们的健康。空气净化的物理原理是——过滤。传统媒体对信息的采集和传播经过了专业的媒体工作者对信息的采集、筛选、甄别、核实、编辑、审查。 真假混淆,甚至被别有用心的人利用,扰乱视听。
3) 北京现在有大量人口流入,因为有好的机会发展,但也造成社会问题,问你啥意见,同不同意政府放宽北京“户口”政策。
开头:The twenty centery has witnessed the Chinese speed and Beijing, as the capital city has become a super big city attracting thousands of people from all over the country. 20世纪见证中国经济的快速发展.大量人口的涌入也带来的一些问题,关于这个大家说法不一。
优点:人多了,优秀人聚集在一起加快各个产业的发展;衣食住行(basic needs of shelter and food)需求增加,相应的服务岗位需求也增加了;促进基础设施infrastructure和房地产业realty business的发展;
缺点:地区发展更加不平衡imbalance(enlarge the gap between developed city as Beijing and developing city as Shanxi ),其他城市产业发展人才不足,而北京人才过多竞争激烈fierce competition导致失业率unemployment rate也增多;生活节奏快,幸福感不高the rhythm of life is too fast to decrease the happiness ;北京基础设施的需求远大于供给,出门拥堵不便,房价难以承担huge burden on the young gerneration;出现了蜗居
6) 讲 APEC =>提到 APEC BLUE => 然后问要不要 carry out 限车和限工业的policy。
7) In mid-August, the People’s Bank of China allowed the Chinese currency to drop 3.5 percent against the US dollar. There has been much talk about the implications of this move, with some analysts saying that this is so far the strongest sign of a persistent economic slowdown of China’s economy. What do you think implications of Renminbi devaluation over our daily life will be? Give reasons or examples to support your opinion.
人民币贬值对生活的影响:1.1.对国际收支的影响 首先对出口收入有影响:一国货币贬值通过降低本国商品相对外国商品的价值, 使国外人们增加对本国产品的需求,促进出口,有利于本国企业“走出去”;国际资本流动也有影响,如果贬值趋势不断发展,那么人们将会把资金从本国转移到其他国家,引起资金外流。股市资金减少,偏向下跌趋势。
看到这里的小伙伴们也麻烦留个言觉得楼主应该去哪里工作吧。楼主本来想在杭州发展的,申的PWC 杭州TAX,后来因为杭州没有岗位所以HR电话来问要不要去上海面试,成功的话工作地点也在上海。最后也面上了,还有个建设银行省分行的工作机会。大家觉得应该去上海PWC TAX还是建设银行省分行?楼主女生,90年,本科金融,硕士MBA。
Thanks, and good luck!