楼主当时欲哭无泪,但是牛吹下了,死也得装下去. 另外其实楼主并没有说谎...确实写过vba,只不过太久没用. 当时还存留一丝侥幸心理心想how hard could it be ! 结果做test发现虽然题目确实很简单... 但是因为太久没写,很多syntax忘掉了,整个根本没办法run. test是可以google的,模拟平时的工作环境... 楼主查来查去总算是勉强做了一道半... 剩下的跟那个技术上的同事道了个歉然后说了一下大致的思路然后因为太久没写syntax有点生疏. 同事笑了一下说没关系然后送我到电梯...
接下来的几天十分煎熬,按理来说一般bloomberg的通知效率都是十分惊人的. 但是这次面试完了渺无音信,楼主自问其实maria那关没出什么大纰漏,捶胸顿足于当时吹的那个VBA大牛. 心想这次凶多吉少. 结果四天之后的周六早上,收到了新的邮件... We would like to invite you back to the office for a final interview! with Apac Manager. 瞬间复活,当时差点从床上蹦起来...
之前其实有听说过david是那种不拘一格的人,所以问的问题也是很写意. 东问一句西问一句. 思维非常发散. 但是如同之前的几位一样,没有非常hard knowledge的东西...大多数都是常规的HR question和behavior question. 准备一下应该是问题不大的. 当然最后还是让我见识了一下虽然水归水, 实打实的问题还是要有料才行. 在最后的Q&A环节楼主抛出了当时精心准备的问题: With the rapid technology and internet development, people are getting much easier to access information that they need. Where do you see bloomberg in the next 5 to 10 years, because, you know , we certainly don`t charge cheap. David微微一笑,you are in Hong Kong office right? Look out of the window, what do you see? See that Bank of American building? and that news flash screen on top? Well, you can get information about this years revenue of bank of america, you can buy 200 shares of their company because you see their revenue goes up. But, would you buy 200 MILLION shares? based on the info you get from the top of a building?? That`s the value in our service. 接着讲解了他本人对整个bloomberg产业的理解以及技术本身为bloomberg带来的价值. 最后他说, I would not DARE to answer this question. I don`t even know where we will be in the next two years and I`m the Apac head for global data... 当时楼主觉得这个问题实在是问的有失水准...