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NOW! NEVER apply late, and DO apply RIGHT AFTER therelease date of the information. You might argue that some firmevaluate resume only after the cut-off date, but most firms do not_They do it on a rolling basis_You can step in the shoes of the HR, ifyour mailbox were filled with hundreds, and sometimes thousands ofresumes, would you still look at the rest if qualifiedinterns/full-time candidates are spotted. The answer is a firm NO. Inaddition, that indicated you are prepared, you are passionate for theopening of the opportunity and indirectly shows your study of the firm_Those firm applying online application might do it the other way aroundas the backdoor is relatively easy to source by date, by location andwhatsoever. In one word, if you really mean it, PLEASE be the earlybird.Q2: My CV looks great, and I come from a target school. But, why I am not selected even for the first round?
First & Simple answer: there are too many people sharing your background.I would skip the up sides and down sides of FT role and only focus on the internship as you are smart enough to tell the myth and vice versa.
Second, refer to question one.
Third, assume you are an HR and rethink answer one. Here raises a few issues,
A. have you customized your CV/cover letter title to stand out of the dozen of “your background” candidates?
B. have you done your research and tailor-made the application package?
C. Did you miss anything, for example, some supporting materials to make the life of your HR easier? If file “x” is missing, no one (except a few) will bother to call back and chase you for that. HR is human being ; we are all human being.
Forth, howmany openings are available in such a market place? Some internalinterviews (i.e. from eFinancialCareers) might serve to give you someinformation as to how many roles are available for a specific function_If the region or the dept are not hiring, you can just cross it off.
Other relevant tricks on job hunting will be extended across the following sessions.
Of course, first thing, as an intern, you are flexible. You can opt to pull a 24/7 week (if possible), work for multiplecompanies in a set period or later resign to do anything that interestyou (probably test a start-up? I will post start up with bootstrappingmethod later in another post). As an intern, life is hard too but yourpay might be massively cut for the same value contributed to thecompany. It doesn’t matter - if only you could get the value youbelieve is beneficial in a lifetime. But be certain that you shouldwork hard, I mean super hard to get what you can get during the shortperiod as you still have to compromise with the “Bad & the Ugly” Imentioned hereafter.The “Bad & the Ugly”
Asan intern, your firm would treat youdifferently as you might not be working for them in the future. Thatway you may be hidden from the real value (you are forbidden to do anyclient facing job) or touch company confidentiality. Here is the trick- work hard, gain trust from your colleagues & your boss, and letthem deliver significant work load to you, even you as an intern. It isjust for the time being anyway.I spent quite a few words explain the “Bad & the Ugly” but it all points to the final “Goods” you can get. Besides all above, my version of a very important mindset for any successful people would be, and always be, try to look at the UP sides even if you are stressed, you are being laid off, you are severely indebted. Everything has its UP sides, if you can realize and keep the positive mindset, good things would come.
In retrospect, when I was an intern, a vivid story might tell howimportant it would be for you to work hard and add real value. Somehowyou might be the last to leave the office and work over time everyday,and work a 7-day week. Once a VP said to me, “Chris, your help wasimmediate, if you were restricted to some important document ormechanism of what we do, let me know.” Then I every time I completed atask, I would be expected to hear the story behind the deal and learntremendously from that point on.
I truly believe everybody is equal and we won’t score differently onany kind of aptitude test. School paper results are liar. It just helpsto source a selcted group of safter candidates. Provided that you workhard and gain the hard plus soft skills as in my latter mentiionedparts, you will be rewarded equal value, the value more superior thanwhat a FT hire could get. So please pull in 200% efforts.
The next thing is your pay. It doesn’t really matter if you canafford your life in the city, and at the same time (a more importantfactor here) the payroll is at least enough to cover all your necessarynetworking activity costs in the city. I will blog more about it in thefuture as this is another vast topic.
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