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本版置顶 案例面试Case interview八类类型介绍及分析工具(推荐) digest  ...23456..40 bjgirlyjs 2009-2-24 18:12 790142133 Rambler6 2021-4-7 15:14
本版置顶 案例面试Case Interview详细介绍及应对策略 attachment digest  ...23456..111 就业新闻发言人 2009-1-11 15:50 2219144669 yeyezii 2021-3-11 18:13
本版置顶 Looking Beyond the Case Interview attachment  ...23456..18 52haihai 2009-1-8 18:06 35676696 Xingxingkaixin 2020-11-23 17:45
摩立特公司案例面试实例(全英文图解,pdf文档完整版) attachment agree  ...23456..17 dbvincent 2011-7-20 10:13 32137415 橙武alaudiii 2021-10-12 11:06
视频:错误的案例面试实例(全英文,科尔尼)  ...2345 52haihai 2009-9-16 01:46 8225878 ClaireJANG 2020-5-5 11:14
视频:正确的案例面试实例(全英文,科尔尼) agree  ...23456..9 52haihai 2009-9-16 01:45 17545929 未完待续ing 2020-8-13 14:20
卡耐基.梅隆大学案例面试讲座 attachment  ...23456..15 harryw1986 2009-9-7 23:54 29527150 xnmoumou 2017-2-9 15:32
面试指导:案例分析综述 agree  ...23456..12 byr2009 2009-6-9 21:59 22851378 lunaYYY 2020-11-6 14:35
移动:图文报道:Ivey-可口可乐中国商业案例竞赛全国总决赛纪实 就业新闻发言人 2009-5-18 14:14 -- 本站网友 1970-1-1 08:00
解决问题的方法和途径-问题分析  ...23456..7 locust_j 2009-4-25 15:27 12531790 刘言Christine 2014-8-1 13:48
BCG第二轮  ...23456 zaness 2009-4-11 03:50 10922171 monashjing 2015-2-1 13:09
AT科尔尼的案例面试指导(全英文) attachment agree  ...23456..19 就业新闻发言人 2009-3-27 13:52 36527601 aleixisc41 2015-11-30 15:33
案例分析实例:Sales Team at Lexmark Canada Inc attachment agree  ...23456..34 就业新闻发言人 2009-3-9 19:31 67961108 june242 2015-5-11 15:30
麦肯锡案例面试题:Magna Health案例分析(英文,有答案)  ...23456..11 bjgirlyjs 2009-2-27 18:30 20043680 爱做梦的娃娃 2015-10-3 11:46
麦肯锡案例面试题:Great Burger 案例分析(英文,有答案) agree  ...23456..10 bjgirlyjs 2009-2-27 18:19 18042717 firstad 2018-10-31 17:07
管理学案例:一碗牛肉面的思考 agree  ...23456..13 bjgirlyjs 2009-2-18 14:16 24742116 倩慧。Z 2015-11-5 16:47
Bain案例及解析 attachment  ...23456..23 人在少年 2009-1-23 20:20 44532118 水色云涯 2014-11-17 14:42
案例分析方法:5M因素法(鱼骨图)及其案例分析实例 attach_img digest  ...23456..23 bjgirlyjs 2009-1-10 17:21 44576054 曾泽玮 2018-7-25 14:53
Management Consulting Association(Case Interview) attachment agree  ...23456..13 就业新闻发言人 2009-1-8 20:59 25125405 水色云涯 2014-11-17 14:42
Columbia Cases book attachment  ...23456..10 52haihai 2009-1-8 17:55 19220337 水色云涯 2014-11-17 14:43
埃森哲case workbook attachment  ...23456..20 52haihai 2009-1-8 17:35 38837040 zxz874 2019-10-16 10:30
HBS Case Interview Guide attachment  ...23456..24 52haihai 2009-1-8 17:09 46030449 bingruge 2016-9-23 00:14
著名咨询公司近年面试案例 attachment agree  ...23456..17 tian0214 2009-1-4 16:37 32643961 siyujennifer@gm 2017-8-3 22:34
Kellogg case book attachment  ...23456..13 woyaonuoruo 2008-11-13 13:31 24027779 loksakml 2015-8-12 20:15
Tuck case book attachment  ...23456..7 woyaonuoruo 2008-11-13 13:28 12320407 2306066832 2014-10-9 11:45
面试案例真题,值得一看 attachment agree  ...23456..60 sharp2010 2008-10-21 22:19 118259563 nana19930310 2017-9-5 18:24
麦肯锡招聘面试案例分析样题和答案 attachment agree  ...23456..33 ninichen 2008-10-11 10:48 65988391 Nnniki 2019-11-11 10:30
整理的case interview资料 attachment digest agree  ...23456..49 crazy100985001 2008-10-10 11:59 96076499 养鹅达人 2020-10-18 21:12
四大咨询面试案例题目与培训(19个文档) attachment agree  ...23456..100 coffee00123 2008-10-6 18:29 1991117828 laiyjnicola 2020-10-28 15:22
案例面试技巧及真题 attachment agree  ...23456..22 dundao333 2008-10-4 08:50 42355033 Candy233 2015-5-7 00:20
案例面试简介(PPT) attachment agree  ...23456..36 xiaohe008 2008-10-3 21:30 70759725 ClaireJANG 2020-5-5 11:01
University of Michigan Case Book attachment  ...23456..10 justinjustin 2008-9-29 00:35 19740370 reforth 2014-11-11 10:16
麦肯锡案例分析方法(甘特图分析法) attachment agree  ...23456..24 dazui022 2008-9-27 21:56 47464206 zxz874 2019-10-16 10:28
咨询公司面试案例分析(全是精华) attachment agree  ...23456..153 bjgirlyjs 2008-8-26 08:45 3040188341 光草听风 2021-5-12 14:16
科尔尼案例面试zz  ...234 吃吃 2008-8-22 11:59 7433402 刘言Christine 2014-8-1 15:55
2006 Case book of UC Berkeley attachment  ...23456..16 吃吃 2008-8-21 17:46 30744063 DNA甲基化 2015-9-11 23:41
走进毕博--案例面试详述  ...2345 candygreen 2008-8-11 11:19 9638851 唐果Candy 2014-8-1 16:16
Business Case Fleet Telematics from SMC(西门子管理咨询) attachment  ...234 whogirl 2008-8-10 17:16 7735484 Quci1995 2021-12-17 10:11
案例面试错误示范(科尔尼(ATKearney))  ...23 whogirl 2008-8-10 16:25 4734041 nyyamy 2014-9-27 10:16
案例面试正确示范(科尔尼(ATKearney))  ...234 whogirl 2008-8-10 16:24 6035286 qiaoyu2014 2014-8-23 22:24
Monitor(摩立特咨询)案例面试举例 attachment  ...23456..9 whogirl 2008-8-10 16:05 17251716 Evelyn_susu 2014-10-29 21:48
商业案例分析框架,小组面用的上的好东西 attachment agree  ...23456..166 吃吃 2008-8-1 09:34 3307145310 lunaYYY 2020-11-3 20:35
贝恩案例面试tips zz attachment agree  ...23456..23 吃吃 2008-7-30 10:07 45652546 One2Three4 2018-10-28 19:36
案例面试类型、技巧、分析工具、例题全程指南zz  ...23456..13 吃吃 2008-7-29 12:00 25460332 本站网友 2017-10-25 21:21
Harvard case-INSEAD, one of the best bschools in the world attachment  ...23456..9 吃吃 2008-7-29 10:28 17735604 Serena-Yao 2014-10-8 18:04
咨询公司求职指南——ace your case(转载) attachment digest agree  ...23456..35 吃吃 2008-7-29 09:55 68087603 ireneft 2019-9-15 18:42
一些关于case interview需要的分析方法 attachment digest agree  ...23456..70 zhjin0513 2008-7-15 22:47 139996292 Montemou 2014-10-13 14:56
Case Interview:商务案例Business Cases应对策略 attachment  ...23456..74 oocl 2007-10-27 22:19 147189214 chenyg46 2016-7-13 15:23
肯德基的选址秘密――适合经商的你 agree  ...23456..8 yxyhh913 2007-9-30 09:46 14347212 刘言Christine 2014-8-1 16:50
案例面试真题4: 管理战略咨询公司面试经验(zz) agree  ...23456 jimmy.D 2007-9-27 09:44 11557635 刘言Christine 2014-8-1 20:10
案例面试真题5: Mckinsey 面经(转载)  ...23 jimmy.D 2007-9-27 09:42 5734024 刘言Christine 2014-8-1 20:10
案例面试真题6: [转载]麦肯锡面试经历(HK Office)  ...234 jimmy.D 2007-9-27 09:42 6538879 ansonTTT 2015-9-21 23:42
案例面试真题2: Interview Tips with Consulting Firms zz fudan~ agree  ...2345 jimmy.D 2007-9-27 09:42 8342569 ycicemay 2015-1-31 16:28
案例面试真题3: (转载) Tow的Bain经历(04年8月)  ...23 jimmy.D 2007-9-27 09:40 5533789 goodluckalways 2015-9-9 14:09
案例面试真题1: (转载) 面经——投行+咨询+外资银行 from Beaveroot  ...23456 jimmy.D 2007-9-27 09:37 11750409 Jackxuxuxu 2017-2-26 09:06
咨询公司的笔试题(ZZ)  ...234 chris731 2007-8-17 13:48 7549695 zlf13 2014-10-1 12:31

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